Page 35 of Daddy Says

“Don’t be,” he said, giving her cunny a pat before removing his hand to finish pulling her panties over her bottom. “It makes Daddy happy to know that his little one is ready for him even when her bottom has been set on fire.”

“Oh,” she managed, wishing he’d do something about the other fire just being with him kindled, but remembered what he’d said about not allowing pleasure after a punishment. Taking his hand, she knew she’d gladly give up an entire pot of coffee if only he’d lift the ban and allow her to feel her daddy filling her pussy with his cock as he’d done her mouth.

Chapter Twelve

The kitchen was a chef’s dream come true. Stainless steel appliances gleamed amid black countertops, weathered gray planks covered the floor and a pattern of gray, white, and red tiles of the backsplash beneath pristine white cabinets gave the entire room a clean and welcoming feel. Janie had practically swooned at the sight of a professional grade coffee machine, clapping her hands and bouncing on the balls of her feet as he loaded it with beans. The aroma as they ground with a push of a button had her inhaling deeply.

“You really are a coffee addict, aren’t you?” Sawyer teased.

“Guilty as charged,” she admitted. Tearing her eyes away from the liquid dripping into the carafe, she smiled up at him. “Your kitchen is awesome. I’d never want to go out when I could cook right here.”

Unhooking a gleaming copper skillet from the rack above the six-burner range, he grinned. “I’ll confess that while I can throw a simple meal together, I usually leave all the cooking to Mrs. West.” Setting the pan down, he continued, “And, if I hadn’t gone out, I wouldn’t have found you. Now, how about omelets?”

Coffee forgotten, she had frozen the moment he mentioned Mrs. West. He had a driver, a doorman who greeted him by name, lived in a building that bore his name on the outside. Of course he’d have a cook. No man as successful and busy as he would do his own cooking and cleaning. Was someone else in the apartment with them? She’d not yet seen the whole apartment but knew it had to be huge as it took up the entire top floor of the building.

“Janie? What’s wrong? You don’t like omelets?”

“Did they hear you whipping me?” she asked, her hands going behind her as if to hide the evidence of her punishment. “Oh, God, did they see me… me sucking your… your cock?” Her hands flew to her mouth, her chest tightening at the thought of her intimate, humiliating discipline being witnessed by strangers.

Sawyer had her pulled to him before she finished her question, one arm wrapped around her, his free hand cupping her chin, tilting her head back so that she had to meet his gaze. “Breathe, Janie. Just breathe. I’ve got you.” Taking deep breaths himself, he continued to speak softly, soothingly until she managed to drag in a deep lungful of air and release it in a shuddering exhale. After she’d taken another, he said, “No one is here besides us.”

“Thank… thank God,” she gasped, only to feel her breath stick in her throat when he continued.

“That’s not to say that someday someone on my staff won’t be in the apartment when we are. Mrs. West is both my cook and housekeeper and is here every day at some point. Honey, breathe. I promise you that you have nothing to worry about.”

“You… you can’t do that again. Not where someone could see,” she said, attempting to shake her head but only able to make a small movement as he still held her chin. “I’d die if someone knew what… what we did.”

“No, little one, you won’t die. And neither do you need to fret. My staff has been vetted, and I do not hire anyone who doesn’t have an understanding about the dynamic in which I live my life. And while I will never do anything to purposely cause you embarrassment, I will not guarantee that won’t happen. Every room in this place belongs to me. Every piece of furniture.” He paused and before she knew it, she found herself being lifted and set onto the counter of the huge island. “Every countertop, every surface, and, little one, if I want to push up your skirt and take off your panties, they’ll come off.” Yanking her skirt from beneath her bottom, he pushed it up before reaching to pull those very panties down her legs, tossing them to the floor. “If I want to spread your legs, they’ll be spread.” Large hands guided her legs apart, fingers stroking her inner thighs.

Her quivering increased when he bent, his lips kissing the pale skin, his breath warming the flesh that had broken out in goosebumps. His eyes—those gorgeous eyes the color of the ocean—mesmerized her as much as his smile and his words did as he continued.

“If I tell you to lie back, to show me your beautiful pussy, to display how very wet you are… to put your arms above your head so that I can taste the sweet cream I can see filling your slick folds, then I shall expect you to obey.” He bent forward and kissed her gently, stroking a fingertip along the pulse at her throat. His lips moved to her cheek, her forehead, her neck as his fingers worked the buttons of her blouse. The only noise was her soft whimper when he unhooked her bra, pushing both it and her blouse off her shoulders, freeing her breasts and exposing nipples that were already puckered and going tighter as he gazed at them, his thumbs brushing over the taut buds. “Lie back, Janie.”

She shouldn’t obey, she should be worried about someone seeing, thinking she had to be some kind of little slut, and yet she was soon on her back, not resisting when his hands guided her arms above her head, linking her fingers together. She didn’t resist when he unzipped her skirt and pulled it off, leaving her totally naked. Not a single muscle protested when he lifted her feet, planting them on the chilled marble, pushing them up toward her bottom and then pressing her thighs down until she was open, displayed before him like a carnal offering.

“If I have to bare your bottom and punish you, if I have to wash your mouth out with my cock when you’ve been my naughty little one, I will. If I want to feast, to lick and nibble every inch of my precious girl, then I will. And, Janie, if I want to bend you over, or pull you onto my lap or spread you wide to fuck you, then nothing and no one will stop me because you are mine and, little one, I am yours. Any questions?”

“No… no, Daddy.” Her next sounds weren’t words, but a gasp as his lips settled on her clit and he suckled hard, drawing the entire pulsing bud into his mouth, his tongue lashing over her pearl as her hips lifted, offering him whatever he desired. Was she a horrid person for no longer caring if someone saw her? Was she wanton for allowing nothing but sensation to fill her mind as he took what he wanted… when and where he desired? If so, then so be it. She’d waited her entire life to experience this, to feel both desired and protected, punished and pleasured, to finally be able to simply let go… to allow her daddy to be in control.

“So beautiful,” he murmured, lifting his head, his lips glistening from the cream her body continued to provide. “You’re going to come for me, Janie. You’re going to be a good girl and come very hard for Daddy, aren’t you?”

She nodded, her teeth biting her bottom lip as he slid a finger into her, gliding it in and out of her sheath.

“And then you are going to come again,” Sawyer said, his grin and the absolute surety of her obedience shone in his eyes. The spring inside her coiled tighter, her nipples protruding toward the ceiling, her body quivering, her pussy spasming and when his lips returned, she knew that she was going to disappoint him when he discovered she couldn’t come twice… not as close together as he seemed to want, but his tongue thrusting into her pussy made it impossible to warn him.

When she shattered, her entire body jerked, her hands unlocking from each other to grasp his head, fingers pulling against dark strands, the sensation too much. He didn’t allow her to move him a single centimeter from his goal, his tongue delving deep inside her to lap at her nectar, a hand lifting to settle on a nipple, the pinch causing her to squeal, her body bucking again.

“Oh, God,” she moaned, never before feeling as if every single cell in her body was alive, on fire as his lips, tongue, and mouth continued to consume her. “Daddy… please, I-I can’t!”

“Yes, baby girl, you can, and you will,” he countered, lifting his head only long enough to speak. “Because do you know what will happen if you don’t?”

“No… no, sir.”

He grinned, broadening his tongue and giving her a long, slow swipe from her clit, through the seam of her sex, across her taint, only to stop on the small pucker of her anus, causing her to clench his hair tighter, her mind reeling as he ran the tip of his tongue around the wrinkled rim.

“If you don’t come again, then Daddy is going to have to spank this little cunny and this precious little pucker until they are hot and red and you are begging me to give you another chance to obey. Is that what you need, Janie? Do you need me to make your pussy and pucker burn like I did your bottom?”

She couldn’t believe that part of her wanted to say ‘yes, Daddy’, that her pussy was convulsing already at the thought of his hand smacking down on her tender folds. What would it feel like to have her buttocks spread so that he could spank her so intimately between them? Even as she wondered, she was vigorously shaking her head.