Chapter Eleven
Jane did not seem to be aware of their entry into the building, his introduction of the doorman or the elevator ride to the top floor. She’d been quiet on the drive to his place, her shifting in her seat and futile glances in his direction telling of her nervousness.
Sawyer took her purse and helped her out of her sweater, laying both on a table in the foyer. Once in the living room of his apartment, Jane also seemed not to notice the floor-to-ceiling windows making up an entire wall, showcasing the city below them. When she wasn’t looking down at her feet, she was sneaking peeks at the belt around his waist, or darting glances at his crotch.
That was fine. There would be plenty of time for a tour later. For now, it was time to move forward. She needed to learn that she could count on his words and that every time she chose to be naughty, she would pay a price. This punishment would be more intense than the two spankings she’d received so far. While he could commiserate, he had no intention of not starting off the way he would continue. He knew of a sure-fire way to draw her out of her semi-trance.
“Pull your panties down.”
Her head snapped up, her eyes widening. “Wha-what?”
“You heard me. Reach beneath your skirt and pull your panties down.”
It took her a moment, but she obeyed, blushing furiously as she lowered her panties, looking up at him when they reached her knees.
“All the way down,” he instructed and once they were at her ankles, she straightened, her hands now holding her skirt to her sides as if afraid some nonexistent gust of wind would blow it up and expose her bare bottom.
It took only a minute to roll his sleeves up to his elbows, her eyes watching every single fold of the cloth. “Do we need to discuss why Daddy is going to take off his belt and whip you soundly?” he asked, reaching for his belt buckle.
Her breath hitched as she lifted her eyes to his, her mouth opened and yet she finally just shook her head. That would not do as he wanted her directly participating.
“I expect a verbal response, young lady.”
“No… no, Daddy. I-I know why.”
“All right then.” Pulling the leather free in one smooth movement, he wasn’t surprised to hear her soft mewl. Naughty young ladies quickly learned that the whoosh of a belt being removed equated with it being used against their bare little bottoms. Sawyer slowly folded the belt in half and held it against his thigh. “Go bend over the arm of the couch.”
Her feet shuffled and her eyes remained on the belt. “Please… I-I’m sorry, Daddy.”
“I’m sure you are. Now do as Daddy says and bend over the couch. Lift your skirt and present your bare bottom to Daddy.”
She’d learn that he believed that it helped put her in the proper mindset when he made her prepare herself for her punishment, even having to bring him various implements when instructed. By the time they were done, she’d have no illusions that she hadn’t been naughty or that her daddy was going to allow her behavior to go unpunished.
He watched as she slowly shuffled to the large leather sofa, looking back over her shoulder when she’d reached it, her hesitancy obvious.
“If I have to ask you again to position yourself, you’ll get additional strokes against your thighs.”
With a soft cry, she reached behind to tug her skirt up to her waist and then practically threw herself over the well-padded arm of the couch. Sawyer grinned to see that she kept her hands cupped over the lobes of her bottom as if attempting to hide her nakedness. While it was absolutely precious, it also meant she was still not fully obeying him.
Sawyer stepped forward. “Is this how I instructed you to present, Janie?”
Her head turned back and she began to nod. When he simply quirked his eyebrow, the nod became a reluctant shake. “What did Daddy tell you he wanted to see?”
“My… my bare bottom.”
“That’s correct and yet I’m seeing your hands instead.” He could see her reluctance as she slowly slid her hands off her ass. “Put your hands under your chest or down into the cushions as I don’t want to accidentally strike them. Lay your face down, stick your bottom out.” Once she obeyed, he placed his palm against the small of her back. “Six strokes, Janie. I want you to count each one and let the bite of my belt remind you that Daddy does not allow his precious girl to lie… not to him and not to herself. Understand?”
“Ye-yes, Daddy.”
Lifting his arm, he swung, the belt catching her directly across the center of her bottom. She squealed, attempting to rear up, but his hand kept her in place.
“Give me a number, Janie, or the stroke won’t count.”
“One!” she said instantly.
“Good girl.” The second stroke was delivered an inch beneath the first.
Her feet kicked up and her cry was louder as the line bloomed against her skin. “Two!”