Page 28 of Daddy Says

“How much do you weigh, Daddy?” she asked.

Grinning, he stepped onto the scale and she discovered that her daddy weighed more than double what she did and, as he was 6′3″, was a little over a foot taller. No wonder he could lift her so easily! “Wow, you’re really big!”

“And you’re really little,” he countered.

“Are you calling me a little Little?” she teased, squealing when he not only plucked her off her feet, but tossed her into the air before catching her and returning her to sit on the table.

“I guess I am, but you are an adorable little Little.”

The interlude helped ease her nerves and she relaxed as the doctor took her blood pressure and then examined her eyes and ears. It wasn’t until he’d pulled on a glove and asked her to open her mouth wide that a bit of nerves returned.

“I’m just going to check your throat, Jane,” Dr. Harper said, first shining a light into her mouth and then inserting his fingers far enough that she gagged a bit.

When he removed them, she sucked in a couple of breaths. “My last doctor used a long cotton swab for that,” she said.

“That’s because he wasn’t making sure that you’d be able to accommodate a cock in your throat,” Sawyer said, and she practically fell off the table.

“Go on and lie back,” Dr. Harper said, as if Sawyer’s statement was nothing he was unused to hearing.

“I’m going to check your breasts now,” the doctor said, untying the sash of the robe and allowing the fabric to part. “You or your daddy need to do a breast exam every month. If you pick a date and stick to it, it will be easy to remember.”

“Oh… okay,” Jane said, praying he thought that the room’s chill was the cause for her puckered nipples and not the vision that had popped into her head of her kneeling before her daddy, opening her lips to accept his cock. Her burgeoning arousal was helped along when Sawyer’s fingers replaced the doctor’s after he asked for a far more personal lesson. She tried not to moan or squirm as his fingers palpated each breast, going in slow, ever smaller circles until he actually took her nipple between his thumb and finger and gave it a little squeeze. No one could blame a poor girl for bucking up a bit at that, could they?

“Very good, Sawyer. If you feel any lumps on any part of her breasts, or there is any discharge, then you need to call me. Other than that, Jane’s breasts appear quite healthy.” Turning his attention to his patient, Dr. Harper asked, “Have you ever had your nipples clamped before, Jane?”

“No… no, sir,” Jane said.

“You have very beautiful nipples, quite prominent for such a little frame, even when they are puckered tightly.”

Jane was unsure if she was expected to say anything… thank him for what she was pretty sure was meant to be a compliment but made her blush furiously. She didn’t have to speak as he turned his attention to her daddy.

“Sawyer, just remember, since she is unused to clamps, go slowly at first and don’t keep them on for very long until she builds up a tolerance. In fact, I’d recommend you begin her training by using your fingers to pinch, pull, and twist her nipples to help her grow accustomed to the pressure and bite of pain before clamping her for the first time.”

“I can certainly do that,” Sawyer said.

Jane’s earlier vision instantly changed. Now she was kneeling—naked, of course—at her daddy’s feet, her mouth full of his cock and her nipples aching from the ‘training’ pinches before he attached clamps onto her tender buds. In her mind, her moans were muffled but audible every time he reached down and gave a clamp a little tug.



“Honey, Dr. Harper asked you to scoot your bottom down to the edge of the table.”

“Oh… sorry,” she said, praying that the grin on his lips was not because he could read her mind. Once she moved down, she gave a little squeal when the doctor pulled her a bit more until she felt as if her butt was hanging off the table.

“It’s all right,” he said, pulling metal poles out from the table and directing her to place her feet in the stirrups. “You’re perfectly safe.”

She wasn’t really concerned about her safety. She was far more concerned about the fact that thanks to the visions she couldn’t seem to stop having, she knew she was a little more than just ‘damp’ down there. Slamming her eyes shut didn’t help as it only seemed to make her vision more vivid.

“Just relax, sweetie, I’m here, and you are doing great,” Sawyer said, making her realize that the soft whimpering sound she heard was coming from her.

Still, when he took her hand, she clung to it tightly, and this time when she closed her eyes, she saw herself cuddled on her daddy’s lap, his arms holding her close, and a sense of security washed over her. That lasted until she felt fingers sliding along the seam of her sex. Her feet lifted from the stirrups and her thighs began to close.

“No, just remain still,” her daddy instructed, his free hand sliding to her inner thigh and pressing gently. “You’re fine. Dr. Harper is just checking your vagina. Open your legs.”

Jane returned her feet to their proper place and allowed her legs to fall open again.

“I’m going to spread your outer labia open, Jane,” Dr. Harper said.