Page 25 of Daddy Says

“I promised to provide for you, take care of all your needs, and be the daddy you’ve dreamed of forever. I promised not to let you down, not to have you worry about what you can expect. I take my commitments seriously, and, young lady, when you throw tantrums, you get spanked… every single time.”

Suddenly, it was like she had an epiphany. This wasn’t a dream. Last night’s spanking had not been a fluke. The heat she felt all across her nether cheeks easily telegraphed that to be true. The echo of each stroke reverberated around the room and through her very soul. This wasn’t some man reluctantly agreeing to give her a few swats after she’d finally gotten up the nerve to beg him and then have him making her feel like some sort of deviant for even suggesting they at least try a little spanking. She was not in control. She’d thrown a fit and he—her daddy—was taking her to task for doing so.

“I’m sorry!” she cried, clinging to his leg with her free hand instead of swatting at it. “Please… stop…”

“Are you going to be my good girl?”

“Yes!” she screeched as each of her poor, burning buttocks was treated to a harder stroke.

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, sir!”

“Are you going to apologize to Nurse Julie?”

“Yes, sir!”

“Are you going to do exactly as the nurse and doctor instruct you?”

“Yes, sir!”

“Are you going to remember that your daddy is committed to you? That he wants nothing more than to assure that his precious girl knows that he will take care of all that she needs?”

“Yes, yes, Daddy!”

“All right. Then we will finish your punishment later.”

She felt a little lightheaded as she was flipped upright and set down on her feet. Her daddy pulled her panties back into place and lowered her skirt before lifting her and setting her on his hip until he returned to his original chair, sat, and moved her onto his lap.

Her emotions were churning, and she just couldn’t look at him. Instead, she buried her face in his shirt, clutching the fabric.

“Shhh,” he said, rocking her in his arms. “You’re fine. I’ve got you.”

“You… you really span-spanked me.”

“I’m not sure why that comes as a surprise. I spanked you last night.”

That was very true, but this was different. Pulling back a bit, her hand waved to indicate the room. “I mean… we aren’t in my house. This… this isn’t private.”

“I told you last night that I would never hesitate to spank you whenever and wherever you earned a punishment, remember?”

Well, she couldn’t argue with that, but it was as if another level of her new life had just been made crystal clear. She squirmed a bit, the movement doing nothing to ease the sting he’d put into her cheeks. “I blame it on the lack of caffeine,” she said, sitting back and looking up at him.

He grinned. “I blame it on the fact that you’ve been wondering if your daddy really means what he says and if I’d actually call you on your behavior outside the setting of your home or mine.”

She could feel her face heat and wondered if it was as red as her ass had to be.

He bent to kiss her forehead. “Now you know that I most definitely will, so no more wondering required.”

“I-I guess so,” she admitted and then remembered what he had said a few minutes earlier. “What did you mean by we’ll finish later?”

He tugged her a little closer before answering. “Part of that you should be able to answer yourself as we discussed it last night.” When she didn’t immediately answer, he took her hand and laid it against the buckle of his belt.

“But I didn’t lie!”

“Didn’t you?”

How an arched eyebrow could make her feel like she was either being purposefully obtuse or attempting to deny her guilt, she didn’t know, but it did. Her mind raced back to her tantrum and she sighed. “I didn’t mean it to be a lie. I just was… was angry.”