Page 23 of Daddy Says

“I’m not nervous! I just think this is stupid, and you still didn’t answer me. How do I know you don’t have a whole bunch of women just waiting for their own ‘Daddy time’?”

“Because I told you that you are the only Little I’m in a committed relationship with, and I do not say things I do not mean. Now, I suggest you lose the attitude and go play before you receive the answer to the question you didn’t voice but I know you have.”

“What question?”

He cupped her chin with his fingers, gently turning her head in the direction of the receptionist’s station. “The one about are those paddles being just for show. I promise you, they are not. And, if you doubt me, I’ll be more than happy to choose one, turn you over my knee, and apply it to your bottom until you realize that I do not lie, and I will not tolerate my little girl throwing a fit.” He turned her head back gently to face him. Looking down, he asked, “Are we clear?”

Swallowing hard and trying to not clench her buttocks as she was sure he’d find that telling somehow, she nodded.

“Words, Janie. I want to hear you say your words.”


“Yes, what?”

“Yes, sir, we’re clear.”

“Good,” he said, bending forward and kissing her forehead. “Now, go pick a book or a toy and let me fill out your paperwork.”

“But what if you don’t know the answers?”

“Then I’ll ask you.” He smiled and the ease with which he lifted her off his lap and set her onto her feet had her frozen for a moment. He was so much bigger, so much stronger than she was. It was both disconcerting and… well, wonderful. When he gave the back of her skirt a pat, she blushed and decided that it wouldn’t be all that horrible to go find something to read.

By the time he’d returned the clipboard to the front, not asking Jane for clarification on anything, they were no longer alone. Another man and woman entered and while he was dressed in a suit, the woman’s hair was in two pigtails, huge purple bows vivid against the chestnut strands. She wore a lilac-colored dress where another large bow was tied right above the curve of her buttocks. White lacy ankle socks and black Mary Janes completed her outfit. She wasn’t that much shorter than the man with her, but her entire persona radiated ‘Little’. She smiled and gave Jane a wave. Before Jane could do more than give a lift of her hand in return, the door opened and Edna stepped out.

“Mr. Masterson, Nurse Julie is ready to do the bloodwork.”

Sawyer stood up and held out his hand. “Come on, sweetie.”

Seeing the other Little’s look of empathy, mouthing what looked like ‘owie’, as well as giving a rather exaggerated shudder, Jane felt torn. She gave a brief look toward the hall that led to the front door, wondering what would happen if she made a break for it. She didn’t have a chance to discover the answer because her hand was taken and given a squeeze.

It’s just a little bloodwork. You’ve had blood drawn before and lived through it, remember?

They were led down the hall a bit before turning into a room where a woman met them with a big smile.

“Hi, my name is Nurse Julie.” The woman was probably only a few years older than her and Jane wondered what she honestly thought about this entire daddy/little thing. If her cheery voice was any indication, she must think it was just fine. “Are you scared of needles, sweetie?”

“Um… not really, but I don’t like getting stuck a lot,” Jane said.

“I don’t blame you, and I promise I’m very good at what I do. Would you like to climb up on the table or would you rather sit on your daddy’s lap while I draw your blood?”

Jane looked at the exam table, which looked like the one she remembered from her childhood, if a bit taller. Deciding she might as well make the most of what wasn’t one of her favorite things, she looked up at Sawyer. “My daddy’s lap.”

“Good choice,” Julie said with a wink. “All right, you get settled, and we’ll get started.”

Sawyer sat in an armless chair and pulled her onto his lap. “Don’t worry,” he said, bending to kiss the top of her head. “Nurse Julie is very gentle.”

Julie put an elastic band on Jane’s upper arm and asked her to make a fist. Doing so, Jane then straightened her arm and pointed to a spot on the inside of her left elbow where the bulge of a vein was visible. “That’s where they stuck me last time,” she informed the nurse.

“Well, that’s a good vein. Thank you, Miss Janie.”

Jane knew it was ridiculous, but the woman’s words, her tone, and her very smile made her relax and feel proud that she’d helped. It didn’t hurt that her daddy was smiling and patting her thigh. The moment the nurse lifted the syringe, Jane’s head swam as a memory of watching her blood burbling into the tubes made her feel faint. Enough of this trying to be a grownup shit. With a whimper, she turned her head and pressed her face into her daddy’s chest.

“Easy, sweetie, you’re being so brave.”

His hand running up and down her back took her mind off the fact that another tube was being filled… and another. From the number of tubes taken, she wondered how many tests the doctor was planning to have run.

“All right, all done,” Julie said, tucking the tubes away before applying an alcohol swab and placing a cotton ball over the puncture site. Jane was about to hold it in place when her daddy gently lowered his finger to the white piece of fluff.