Page 21 of Daddy Says

Chapter Nine

Despite waking up hours before she normally would have, Jane knew she was running out of time. She’d already changed clothes a half-dozen times. What did one wear when spending their first full day together? “Definitely not this ratty shirt,” she mumbled, yanking it off. She’d just pulled on a button-down, sleeveless blouse in a soft yellow hue when the doorbell rang. Shocked that it could already be eight, she tugged on a skirt and then ran to the door even as she pushed small buttons through their corresponding holes. She didn’t want the bell to wake Sarah.

“Good morning, Janie,” Sawyer said, smiling down at her.

She’d already known he was very handsome, but today, dressed more casually in a pair of gray trousers and a white button-down shirt, instead of a suit, he seemed even more so. His black hair made his blue eyes appear even more vivid. “Good morning, Daddy.”

“May I come in?”

“Oh, yes, of course. I just need to run and get my shoes…” Her words cut off when, after stepping into the house, his hands reached out.

“Let me help you, honey.”

She felt her tummy flip when his fingers brushed the front of her blouse, and as the first button was pushed free, she lost her breath.

“Some little girl was in a hurry dressing, wasn’t she? You’ve misbuttoned your blouse.”

As he quickly and efficiently freed each button, she could feel her face heat. He wasn’t about to caress her… he was dressing her properly. Before she could worry about what he’d think seeing that her bra was doing a very poor job of concealing nipples that had hardened the moment he’d reached for her, he was done. And before she could feel too terribly disappointed, he pulled her to him, giving her a hug and bending to give her a kiss. It was a soft meeting of lips, but it heated her blood.

Lifting his head, he smiled again. “I’ve been waiting to do that again ever since I left you last night.”

“Me too,” she admitted softly.

“Run and get your shoes and a sweater. I don’t want you to get chilled.”

She nodded and was soon back, her white sandals on her feet and a sweater over her arm. “I didn’t know what to wear,” she confessed.

“You chose well. You look fresh as a daisy,” he said, taking the sweater from her and helping her into it. “Ready to go?”

Sliding her cell phone into her purse, she slipped the strap over her shoulder. “I guess, but I could really use a cup of coffee.”

“We’ll get something to eat in just a little bit,” he assured her. He placed a hand at the small of her back and led her from the house. After she’d closed the door, he jiggled the knob to assure it was locked and then reached down and took her hand.

“Where’s Richard?”

“I do like to drive occasionally,” he said, settling her into the front seat, reaching across to buckle her in, then pressing a kiss to her forehead before shutting her door and moving around the car.

Once he was seated, she angled her body toward him. “I have a confession to make.”

He looked over, his eyebrow quirked and she felt her face flush, his words of the evening before replaying in her head.

“Not about that… I mean, I didn’t, you know…”

“Play without permission?”

“Um, yes. I mean, no, I didn’t…”

He chuckled and reached over to give her hand a squeeze. “Breathe, sweetie, and just tell me.”

“I googled you that first night,” she blurted out.

“Good girl.”

“You’re not mad?”

“Of course not. I’m actually pleased. It’s very important to be safe in this world, and the fact that you did a bit of research before making such a serious commitment tells me you are cautious.”

“May I ask you something?”