Page 20 of Daddy Says

Releasing the puckered bud, he said, “I was also going to say it is important that I know your capabilities.” When her mouth opened, he placed a finger against her lips. “Trust me, Janie.” She nodded and he gave her a quick kiss. Sometimes it wasn’t easy being in control—not when it required restraint, but that was also part of his responsibility.

“Does that answer your question at least for a start?”

“Yes,” she said, her voice soft, her eyes even softer.

Sawyer smiled, lifted her into his arms only long enough to stand and then slipped her back between the sheets. Tucking the blankets around her again, he bent to kiss her one last time. “Get some sleep.”

“I will and, um, Daddy?”


“Do you… spank for a sort of fib?”

“How do you ‘sort of fib’?”

She glanced at the shelf he’d looked at earlier. “I don’t sleep with those, but I do sleep with Mr. Bear.”

He grinned, actually quite pleased that she trusted him enough to risk a spanking to admit she enjoyed a stuffy. “And where is he?”

“Over on the chair.”

The bear did indeed look like he was used to being cuddled. After retrieving him, he tucked the stuffy beneath the covers next to her. Dropping a kiss on her lips, he stood and looked down at her. “Since I don’t have a ‘sort of spanking’, I’m going to let that little fib go.” She grinned and he shook his head. “Only this one time, young lady. Do not fib to me again because you already know what will happen.”

Her eyes locked once more on the belt around his waist, and she shuddered. “I won’t, Daddy.”

“All right. Goodnight, Janie.”

“Goodnight, Daddy.”

Sawyer flicked off the light and walked back through the house. It wasn’t until he had the front door open that he thought about one last instruction, and something was telling him it was an important one. Closing the door softly, he retraced his steps. He’d left her bedroom door slightly ajar and he pushed it open. Sure enough, his intuition had been spot-on. Janie was not curled on her side with Mr. Bear in her arms. In fact, she wasn’t even tucked in tightly. His little one had the covers down at her waist and from the soft sounds he could hear and the movement he could discern, he had a very good idea of exactly what she was doing. Two steps took him to the side of her bed, and a single tug of the blankets had her screeching and her eyes flying open.

“Young lady, what are you doing?”

“God, you scared me!” she said, as he flipped the light on.

It took everything within him not to grin as she didn’t move a muscle, thinking perhaps that if she remained frozen he couldn’t figure out exactly where her hand was. “Pull it out, little one.”

Her hand slowly emerged from her underwear, her fingers curling into a fist. He reached down and took her hand, opening her fist to reveal the wetness coating her fingers.

“You are not allowed to masturbate. From now on, all your orgasms belong to me. Daddy will be the one to decide when his little one receives pleasure. Is that clear?”


“Yes, sweetie. The moment you agreed to give yourself to me, to honor me by becoming my special girl, every little inch of you became mine. Understand?”

“I-I didn’t know.”

“That is why your panties aren’t already down and your bottom up.”

He could practically see her mind spinning, knew her need, could smell her arousal and yet she needed to understand that this was the beginning of her total immersion into her submission. “Did you hear me, Janie?”

It took her a moment to say, “Yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl. And if you think about disobeying once I leave, if you are a naughty girl and allow your fingers to play where they don’t belong, I promise that you’ll regret it.”

“Why… I mean… it’s not like I’ve never… or that you’ll kn…” He watched as a wave of color ran up from the neck of her gown to stain her face as she stumbled over her words.

Sawyer shook his head as she admitted that masturbation wasn’t a foreign concept and basically told him that she wasn’t worried about his finding out she’d ignored his instruction. Neither one of those was conducive to building a relationship… especially one as intimate and based on a level of deep trust as the dynamic of daddy/little, which was exactly what they both wanted.

“Because while you will experience a few moments of pleasure, instead of sweet dreams, you’ll find your mind will be filled with visions of you squirming and thinking about how you were naughty, how you disobeyed your daddy’s wishes. Unless you want to toss and turn picturing yourself making your confession, placing yourself over my knee and presenting your little bottom for a much longer, much harder spanking than the one you received earlier, including several swats on your little pussy, I’d suggest you consider if a few seconds of bliss is worth it.” He paused as if knowing she needed a moment to collect herself and then he said, “And, Janie?”

“Yes, sir?”

“I assure you I will know.” He heard her gasp as he drew each of her fingers into his mouth and licked away the evidence of her naughtiness. Once her hand was clean, he tucked the covers back around her, making sure Mr. Bear was in her arms this time. “Goodnight, my sweet girl.”

“Good… goodnight, Daddy.”