Drinking wouldn’t help, but stuffing her face with junk food would lift her spirits. She grabbed a bag of potato chips from the cupboard and jumped when a knock sounded on her door.
Oh, shit.
He did call the police.
She should’ve never trusted him. She should’ve made a run for it. Well, okay, to be fair, he never actually said he wouldn’t call the police. She only hoped him yelling at her to leave meant he wasn’t going to.
Ha! She couldn’t even kidnap a baby properly. She’d never be able to run from the law with finesse.
She tossed the bag to the counter and took her sweet time walking to the door. No need to rush the handcuffs on her.
A heavy sigh released when she opened the door to her brother, Brock.
“Bad day? What took you so long?” He frowned at her as he strolled past with a six-pack of beer in his hand.
Not a good sign.
Her brother only brought beer over when he needed to whine to her about Rebecca, his on-again-off-again girlfriend. They wereoffright now if the beer was any indication. She wassonot in the mood to make her brother feel better.
“What happened this time?”
He set the beer on the counter with a heavy thud, then took one out, twisted the cap off, and gulped nearly half of it down.
“She got all pissy because I worked a double shift with Brianna yesterday. Like I asked to work a double shift.” He rolled his eyes. He grabbed another bottle and tossed it her way. “Drink with me.”
He was lucky she grew up with three brothers and played every kind of sport under the sun with them. He didn’t even give her a warning he would toss it to her, yet she managed to catch it with ease, without even one bobble. She twisted the bottle in her hands, hating to open it, yet knew if she didn’t, he’d question her about it. It was best to keep all conversation steered his way and not hers. There was no way she could admit to what she had done.
“So you broke up?” Making the best decision, she twisted the cap off and took a small sip.
He shrugged. “It was a big fight.”
“Seriously, it’s time to cut her loose. Stop going back to her. She always gets pissy about other women. If she can’t trust you, then there’s a problem.”
“I know.” The whine in his voice said he wasn’t going to stop the vicious cycle he was in.
They’d down these beers and he’d call her with I’m sorry’s as if he did something wrong. She’d accept them with open arms until the next time she caused a fight for no reason.
“Want to watch a movie or something?” There was no use going back and forth about it. He’d make his own decision, one she didn’t agree with, no matter what she said to him.
“I guess.” He finished his beer and grabbed another one. “I worked this morning, too, you know. Come home to that shit. She didn’t even let me change. Just started harping on me.”
Considering he was still dressed in a nice suit and tie, he didn’t change before leaving his apartment to come to hers. He worked at an Italian restaurant as the manager. Brianna was a server. She was super nice and friendly. Had a long-time boyfriend she loved. Rebecca was jealous of any woman that breathed near Brock. It didn’t matter who it was.
“Brianna work today, too?”
Brock nodded. “We’re slammed right now. It’s the New Year and some people are still celebrating the holidays. Not all families celebrate Christmas on Christmas, you know. Should’ve worked another double, but I started getting a headache and I had to come home.”
Genevieve rolled her eyes and swiped the beer out of his hand. “Your headaches can turn into migraines. You shouldn’t be drinking.”
“But that’s all I want to do right now.”
“Getting drunk isn’t going to solve your problems.” Except that’s exactly what she wanted to do, too.
“But it’ll make me feel better.” His eyes glided to the potato chips. “Looks like you’re having a bad day, too. What’s up?”
She should’ve put the potato chips away before answering the door. Of course, she thought she was getting arrested so… yeah. Her family knew she only ate junk food when she was feeling down and out of sorts. Otherwise, she was a health-junky. Taking care of her body was a must. Something she tried to instill in her brothers more times than she cared to count.
“It’s nothing.”