Page 69 of The Right Time

Gabby chuckled. “It’ll never change. You’re my best friend. Always. And I’ll always be here for you. I’ll always forgive you. I’ll always support whatever decision you make. Because that’s what best friends do.”

“You’ve never said a guy is perfect for me.”

“Because you’ve never dated Jaxson. Need I remind you, I rarely met a guy you dated because you went through them so fast.” Gabby squeezed her shoulders affectionately. “Those guys weren’t your dad. Jaxson definitely isn’t like your dad.”

“It still haunts me.”

“I know. Me too.”

They hugged again. Longer this time.

“How badly did you screw up?” Gabby stepped away with a perplexed grin. “Do I need to grab the tequila while we figure out how to fix this?”

“The emotions were overwhelming me. I…I walked away from him. I know I hurt him. I’ve been hurting him this whole time asking him to lie to you. How do I fix something like that?”

“I’m not sure, but we’ll figure it out together. Because when you find the perfect guy, you don’t let him get away.”

Oh, Mia had no intention of letting that happen.

She’d scream it to the rooftops that she loved him if she had to.

Well, as soon as she found the courage. Because that bit of fear still lingered, like dying coals from a fire. Not quite snuffed out but still burning.


“Thanks, Cap, I appreciate it.”

Jaxson hung up the phone and grinned at Mase, who was lounging on his couch. He was still half under the blankets he’d used last night. Since he only had a one-bedroom apartment, Mase was forced to sleep on the couch. Not that he minded.

How crazy to think he’d briefly thought about buying a house when he and Mia got married. A nice, cozy, yet roomy three-bedroom house. They might have a child…or two.

Now, he wasn’t even sure he’d be getting married, let alone even dating Mia. He tried calling last night, but she didn’t answer. After leaving The Corner Bar with Mase, he sent her one more text. A simple, here-is-how-much-I-care kind of text.

I love you.

Nothing more, nothing less. Just the plain simple truth.

She didn’t respond.

Which was response enough. Things were over between them.

With his brother in town and not wanting to confess to Gabby why he was in a mood, he decided to ask for a few days off, which his captain had no problem with. Although, he still had to call Gabby and explain why he had off. Hell, maybe he’d text her instead. He might cave if he heard her voice and spill the truth about everything. Even though Mia said good-bye way too easily, he didn’t want to hurt her by telling Gabby everything before he had a chance to at least talk to Mia one more time.

“I have the next three days off. What do you want to do?”

Mase shrugged. “Hang out with my bro. Try not to think about a woman I shouldn’t.”

Jaxson slumped down next to his brother. “I hear that.”

Then he fiddled with his phone, deciding he couldn’t be a coward with his best friend, no matter how much it terrified him.

“I have to call Gabby and then the day is ours.”

Mase nodded as he reached for the controller and started flipping through channels. Jaxson’s heart flipped just as erratically as the pictures flicked by one after another. His brother never could settle on one thing right away. It always took him about three times scrolling through every channel before he decided on something.

Before he could lose his nerve, he hit dial. Gabby answered within one ring.

“Hey, I’ll take a tall black coffee with an extra shot of espresso.”