Page 65 of The Right Time

“You okay? I didn’t mean to insert my big mouth into it.”

Jaxson peered at Brick and shrugged. “I should’ve known it was bound to happen sooner or later. It’s nothing you did, Brick. You’ve always been a good friend.”

He fiddled in his pocket and withdrew the ring box and set it on the counter.

Brick’s eyes widened, yet he didn’t touch it. Jaxson gestured, indicating it was okay. The lid popped open.

“Wow. Gorgeous.”

“Too bad I can’t give it to her.”

“Well,” Brick offered a semi-grin that Jaxson couldn’t muster himself, “you can. Do you love her like I think you do?”

“Of course. I’d do anything for her. Including letting her go if that’s what she wants.”

“Screw that. You fight for that woman. I won’t let you sit on your ass feeling sorry for yourself. Give her the ring.”

Jaxson swiveled the box around, staring at the ring that cost him a pretty penny. He’d had to dip into his savings, something he rarely did. But it had been worth it. She had been worth it.

How many times could he put his heart on the line and let it be crushed by her insecurity?

Brick’s fierce expression mingled with the glee in his eyes caught Jaxson’s view.

Oh, he’d do it a million times. Who was he kidding? Certainly not himself. Yeah, he was hurting at the moment, but he knew after letting the hurt pass, he’d jump right back on the horse and try to win—and keep—Mia’s heart. She was worth it. Always.

“I know you’re right. I don’t know where to go from here. It feels like everything I do doesn’t convince her how I feel. She still thinks something will go wrong.”

“Baby steps, man. She’s been through a lot, having such an asshole for a father. You’ll reach her sooner or later.”

Someone hollered for Brick. He tapped the counter, displayed an encouraging smile, and walked away. Jaxson knew he’d be back with more wisdom. He could sit here soaking more up or he could go home and formulate a plan. And keep calling people on their guest list. He hadn’t finished that task yet today. They had planned to do it together.

Maybe he should go to her apartment. Refuse to let her push him away. Stay strong and in her face.

Or maybe he should give her some space. For the night only. Tomorrow would be a new day.

Sighing, he dropped his head into his hands, the thoughts tumbling around with no clear direction. First arguing with Mase, now arguing with Mia. He was sick of the arguing.

“You look like you could use a drink.”

Jaxson’s head shot up when he heard his brother’s voice. Standing tall with the silly-ass grin he loved to wear was his brother.

“What…I can’t believe…you’re here.”

Jaxson stood up and grabbed Mase in a hug, squeezing hard. Mase held him back just as strongly. It’d been a few months since they last saw each other. Jaxson had visited him last time for the hell of it. Neither usually went a few months without visiting the other. Because they were close. Because they were brothers.

He pulled away, his hands still on his brother’s shoulders. “How did you know I’d be here? What are you doing here?”

Mase patted his cheek in that brotherly, mockingly affectionate way they did on occasion and grinned. “You’re not the only detective in the family. I’ve got some skills.”

They both took a seat.

“I didn’t like the tension between us and I wanted to say thanks for stepping in and helping me, so I booked a flight. When I called you earlier, I was at the airport waiting to board.” Mase shrugged as his grin slid away. “I didn’t hang up on you necessarily because you were pissing me off. I didn’t want to miss my flight.”

“I hate fighting with you. I’m sorry for messing in your affairs. I worry about you.”

“Same, bro. You look like a sad little puppy right now. What’s going on?”

This time Jaxson shrugged. Where did he start? And like that, he and his brother were back on better terms. No apologies necessary. They both knew the other was sorry. The simple fact his brother flew to New York said enough. Bygones were bygones. Life between them was back to normal.