Page 30 of The Right Time

Good to know. He’d add that to the list of things they needed to talk about.

“Having a double party would be the best idea.”

Brick tossed his head back and forth as if weighing the idea. “Not so sure about that. Mia kind of mentioned that to Gabby and she wanted the day to be focused on Dane.”

Yeah, he could picture Gabby saying that. While she could get into people’s business, be the life of a party, when it came to parties where she was the center of attention, it bothered her. She hated it.

She and Dane were so much alike at times, it was scary how perfect they were for each other.

“And Dane doesn’t want all the hoopla on his birthday. Gabby’s not a huge fan either. Merging the parties would help counteract both of their worries about being the center of attention.”

It would also make it easier for him to plan if Mia was working alongside him—basically, planning it. What the hell did he know about throwing a party?

Alcohol? Check.

Cake? Check.

Decorations? Umm…yeah, sure. But what kind? That’s where things got a little hazy for him.

Food? Check…But what kind of food? There were so many options and it was all too much.

“You’re right. I don’t mind what you two come up with.” Then a sly smirk built on Brick’s face. “You have a ball talking it out with Mia.”

Jaxson picked up his iced tea to hide the grin that wanted to spill free. Oh, he’d have a wonderful time talking it out with her. Afterward, he planned to love her body so sweetly, she’d never worry about them as a couple again.

“Thanks, man.”

Brick nodded, then headed toward the other end of the bar where someone else needed service.

Jaxson took his time eating his sandwich as soon as it arrived, which didn’t take long. The Corner Bar was nothing but efficient. He had half the delicious meal consumed when his phone rang.

His heart leaped for a brief moment hoping it was Mia calling. Oh, to hear her voice for a second. The wonders it would do to his aching heart.

But it was his brother.

Shit. He had forgotten to call him back yesterday. His brother most likely stewed and worried and ran a billion scenarios in his head on how to proceed with this married woman he should stay far, far away from. Because that’s what his brother did—usually with work-related stuff or his hobbies. He analyzed and overanalyzed a problem until he went crazy.

“Hey, Mase, I am so sorry. Last night was…” Well, shit. Should he even tell his brother?

Hell, yes. He had to tell someone. But not here, where Brick might hear. That man had hearing like a damn hawk.

“It’s quite a story. Hold on.”

Jaxson stood up and pulled out his wallet, throwing a twenty on the bar. It would cover the meal, drink, and a nice tip. He waved at Brick, smiled, and walked outside.

Mase had yet to say anything. Jaxson wasn’t sure whether he should be concerned or not. Was Mase that pissed at him for not calling him back last night? Maybe the call dropped. He pulled the phone away from his ear and saw they were still connected.


“Yeah, just waiting for thisquite a story.By all means…”

Which translated into he was upset and hurt Jaxson never got back to him.

“No, you first. Tell me about this woman you fell in love with. I am sorry about last night. This morning hasn’t been any better. Got woken up at 3 am for a murder. You know how it is.”

When in doubt, use a bit of guilt tripping on him. Sure enough, Mase sighed with concern. It was a shitty move, but he didn’t like his brother upset at him, not when he hadn’t intentionally forgotten to call him. Things with Mia had taken center stage.

“Yeah, I know.” Mase sighed again, heavily this time. “I don’t know what to do. This woman…Hope, she’s everything.”