Page 10 of The Right Time

She didn’t even have the courage to glance at Art, although she heard his shaky voice respond to the man. She didn’t move a muscle when she felt the child close behind her, brushing against her tote bag.

Nothing penetrated. Only pure terror, as if she were whirled back in time to a moment she hated reliving in her dreams.

* * *

“You’re the best,”Gabby said as she grabbed the folders sitting on the side of her desk and put them back in her drawer.

She never left anything out on her desk. Every morning, a clean desk. Every evening, still a clean desk. Hell, during the day as she worked, she used something, then put it away. She never left clutter on her desk. Sometimes, to mess with her, Jaxson would put random things on her desk. A pencil here. A few random pieces of paper. One time, he even sprinkled glitter on it. One woman he dated said every girl loved glitter. Total lie. Gabby raised hell, wanting to know who putthat shiton her desk. Jaxson couldn’t hold in the laughter, which gave it away pretty quickly who had done it. She didn’t manage to wipe it all up with her hand to throw away. Some landed on the floor, some on her seat. Some even on her clothes. She had to go grab a vacuum from the janitor to clean the area around her desk; she couldn’t stand the sight of it.

Neat and organized didn’t even begin to describe Gabby.

Now, when it came to his desk, Jaxson didn’t mind a bit of clutter. He did get the stink eye from Gabby on occasion when he didn’t keep his folders straight and put things away right away, but that was it. She kept her opinion—most of the time—about the state of his desk to herself. Because it was his desk. If he wanted to keep it messy, he would. But for the most part, he kept it tidy. No need to poke the bear too much.

“Where are you going again?” Jaxson asked as he swiveled lightly back and forth in his chair.

Gabby cocked a brow with a wily smirk. “To talk to someone.”

Yeah, he deserved that for not being more forthcoming earlier about who he had been talking to, but he had a good reason to keep it from her. Dane owed him big-time.

“Well, have fun talking.” He winked for added measure.

Gabby shook her head, laughing, then waved good-bye.

He didn’t mind she’d asked to leave early. The jewelry murder case they were handed today was pretty easy. The report wouldn’t take too long to write up. Then he could file it under ‘solved’ and move on to another case. He also knew that if he ever needed to run out early, Gabby would have his back. That’s what made them such good partners—and friends. They’d do anything for each other.

He went back to the report, which he had half done already. Maybe he’d head out a bit early as well. Stop by The Corner Bar and get Brick’s advice on a party for Gabby. It’d be easier to ask Mia, but he’d try Brick first. He hated making Mia feel uncomfortable. If he couldn’t have her, he’d at least make sure she was happy. And being near him never made her happy.

Once done with his report, he organized his desk, except not as neatly as Gabby. To get an extra chuckle saved up for tomorrow, he took a few paper clips and laid them on her desk, shaped in a smiley face.

He’d definitely laugh tomorrow when Gabby saw it, but he also couldn’t stop the laughter in the moment.

“Can’t you be more creative?” Duke, another detective, although one who worked violent crimes, said as he walked past him.

Jaxson shrugged. “I want to be funny, not completely piss her off.”

He knew just the line to tow with Gabby.

“But, dude, a smiley face. Lame,” Duke drawled as he continued on his way with a folder in one hand.

Whatever. He was sticking with the face. Either way, Gabby would chide him as he got a laugh out of it.

After a quick chat with his captain letting him know he was heading out early, he confirmed his prior thought to stop at The Corner Bar. Brick would have some good ideas for the party. He had to.

His phone buzzed. Stopping to put on his jacket, he answered the call from his brother. Unlike the relationship Dane had with his brother, Champ, he got along with his brother, except he didn’t see him as much as he’d like because his brother lived in Minnesota.

“What’s up, frog face?” Jaxson said. Sometimes, people eyed him funnily when they heard him call his brother such a name. Not quite rude, but it didn’t sound nice. But he always said it with affection because that’s how he meant it. With a bit of teasing mixed in. When his brother, Mase, sneezed, it sounded like the croak from a frog. He laughed every time he heard it. It wasn’t a quiet noise either. Loud and hilarious.

“Not much, mouse.”

Jaxson rolled his eyes at his dumb nickname given to him by his brother. Because Mase liked to say he squeaked like a mouse when he sneezed. He totally didn’t. Jaxson figured Mase said that only because he teased him about the frog bit.

“You working”?

“Na, I got the day off.” When Mase didn’t elaborate, Jaxson wondered what was up. They normally went back and forth about their day, bullshitting about nothing. They talked once a week, sometimes more.

“You okay?”

Mase sighed. “I think I found the one.”