Page 75 of The Wrong Brother

“Just something nice. No matter what you wear, you’ll be beautiful.”

She had nodded and kissed him goodbye. Because that had not been helpful at all.

Half of her closet was still strewn across her bed from trying to find that oneniceoutfit. She settled with a white dress that went to just her knees. Not tight to her slender frame, but a bit flowy. Not too flowy where she could twirl and look like an expert dancer, but flowy enough where it wouldn’t be considered skintight. The top was overlaid with lace, which gave it a formal look, but not too formal.

All in all, she thought it looked nice. Like he’d asked.

When he picked her up, he was dressed in tan slacks and a pink dress shirt. No tie. The pink surprised her. She had never seen him wear anything other than white or gray shirts with a black suit. On the weekends, he did dress down with polo shirts, even T-shirts on occasion, but no pink.

Now, here they stood outside his car in front of his parents’ house—a very large house. Not something she’d classify as a mansion, but it was huge. It screamed money. And her pretty white dress suddenly felt not nice enough to even step inside.

He had helped her out of the car, closed her door, yet made no other movements. No step forward. No quick kiss. Nothing.

“Should we go inside?”

His head shook as if shaking himself out of whatever trance he had been in. He looked at her. “We should. Thanks for coming with.”

“Of course.” She patted his chest, running her hand down in a slow, smooth gesture, hoping to relax him a bit. “You look so handsome. I love this pink on you.”

For the first time since he picked her up, he smiled. It lit up his features, personified every sexy inch of him, from his perfectly styled hair to his deep brown eyes that sparkled with desire. To his five o’clock shadow that made her itch to brush her hand across his jaw, then replace it with a sweep of her lips.

“Thank you. I don’t wear pink often. It’s only for special occasions.”

With that, he pulled her toward the front door.

By the slight devilish twinkle in his eye when he said the last part, she didn’t think he meant special occasion in a pleasant way.

He let go of her hand to knock on the door since he held the beautiful bouquet of lilies in his other.

The door swung open a few seconds later to an older woman with beautiful blonde hair swept up in a simple coif. She had on a light layer of makeup that brought out her gorgeous features. She wore a light white blouse that went all the way to her wrists and black slacks that fit her perfectly. Gabby always had a hard time finding slacks that fit her hips and butt just right.

By the way her eyes lit up—that were the same deep brown as Dane’s—she assumed this was his mother.

“You made it,” she said brightly, hugging Dane with a tenderness that had her a bit envious. Her mother never hugged her like that. More like, patted her cheek with a goofy grin, like she was high or something.

His mother took the flowers from his proffered hand, then switched her attention to her. “You brought a guest. How wonderful.”

“I told you I was bringing Gabriella, Mom.” Dane sounded as if he was about to lose the deal of a lifetime. The despair and anguish in his tone made her heart beat a little faster.

Was she not welcome? Did his mother not want her here?

“Oh, I know, I…this is wonderful.” Then his mother pulled her into a sudden hug and squeezed. Tightly. “You have no idea how wonderful it is you’re here. He’s never invited anyone here.”

His mother whispered the last part in her ear, low enough where Gabby figured she didn’t want Dane to hear.

By the fierce hug and delight in her tone, Gabby’s heart settled back down. His mother didn’t mind she came. Yet, it had sounded like she didn’t believe she’d actually show up. How odd.

“Come. Your father and brother are in the living room. The meal is almost ready. I’m going to put these beautiful flowers in a vase. How thoughtful of you, Dane.” She caressed his cheek in a way only a mother could do, then wandered off down the hallway.

“Are you okay?” she whispered, in case anyone was nearby. She wasn’t even sure why Dane still seemed so tense. She knew he didn’t get along well with his brother. And his father wasn’t always supportive as he should be, but the odd way he was acting concerned her.

Maybe Dane didn’t want her to come with. Maybe he felt obligated to ask her.

But that didn’t sound right either.

His mother whispered she was the first to ever be invited.

She didn’t know what to think. All she knew was Dane’s behavior had her nervous.