Page 69 of The Wrong Brother

He had a hard time himself figuring out their relationship. The past month had been wonderful. Spending time with her. Enjoying laughter. Delicious time between the sheets. Growing closer.

He had also been neglecting his work. Well, not necessarily neglecting it, but his mind wasn’t focused on it, and that was not normal for him. He was waiting for a mistake to pop up and bite him in the ass. Show him how truly distracting Gabriella was in his life.

But he liked her distraction.

Because he loved her.

Yet, would love be enough? It wasn’t in his family. Sure, his parents were cordial to each other. But he didn’t see an undying love in their eyes when they looked at each other. At this point in their lives, he figured they stayed together because it was comfortable and too much work to split. That wasn’t love. That was avoiding disaster.

“You’re perfect for each other. You balance each other out. There. That’s how I would describe it.”

He soaked up Jaxson’s words. Thinking hard on them.

Balanced each other out.

In a way, sure, they did.

He worked too much, and she made sure he stopped to smell the roses. Sometimes, literally.

When she needed emotional support, something he could tell she struggled with excepting, he provided it, refusing to let her push him away.

Except for today.

He walked away a little too easily. He upset their balance.

“So, you think you’ll ever start your own company? Gabs is always saying how well you’d excel at it. That it would make you happier.”

He tilted his head, his brows puckering low as he shared a look with Jaxson. Odd. She had never told him that. Was that what she thought? That he wasn’t happy at his job.

He loved his work.


But he didn’t necessarily love his job. Love how Champ would always burst into his office without knocking. How he’d steal clients right out from underneath his nose just because he was the owner of the company. The clients thought that meant they’d get better service. Oh, how wrong they were.

“I’m not unhappy.” Which was bordering on a slight lie.

Jaxson laughed. “Yeah, but it also doesn’t sound like you’re completely happy either.”

He shrugged, hating where this conversation was turning. He’d rather dissect his relationship with Gabriella than his relationship with a company that honestly made him unhappy.

“Aren’t we supposed to end this night of debauchery with laughter and lots of drinks?” Dane tipped his bottle toward him, as if to cheers to more fun on the way. “Not this serious tone.”

“Is debauchery the right word you’re looking for?” Jaxson eyed him funnily. “Because we’re not surrounded by beautiful women right now, nor are we leaving this bar with women that aren’t Gabby and—” His eyes rounded as he realized he was about to say “Mia” as if she were his. “Well, you’re not leaving this bar with someone else.”

“You know what I meant.” Dane clicked with his bottle even though he didn’t follow through on his own. “Sorry about Mia.”

Jaxson shrugged. “Me, too.” Then he pulled out his wallet and threw his card on the bar, signaling to Brick.

Well, Dane took that as a sign the night was over for them. But he wasn’t done drinking and wallowing in his misery. Because tomorrow morning, when he had to get up and find his mother a gift and celebrate her birthday, he would not wallow ever again in misery. Not for any woman. Even Gabriella.

“I got both tabs,” Jaxson said as Brick took his card.

“I’m not leaving.”

Jaxson clapped him on the back. Hard.

“You are. You have some debauchery to do.”