Page 56 of The Wrong Brother

Jaxson rolled his eyes. “I never hated the guy...much. He just pissed me off too much.” He sighed and squeezed her shoulder. “I’m sorry Mia wouldn’t even talk to you. I know that has to hurt you right now. I’m sorry she heard what I said. This is why I never wanted her to know how I felt. It’s my fault, and I’ll make it right. But don’t screw it up with Dane because of my mistake.”

“Asking him to leave shouldn’t screw anything up between us.”

Jaxson grabbed her other shoulder and pulled her closer. “You did this with other guys, too. Not every guy you dated was a loser. You pushed them away when you needed them. You push a lot of people away when you need them. The only one you don’t is Mia. Now, she pushed you away. As much as you think you want to be alone, you shouldn’t be. Let Dane do his thing.”

She laughed, more so because she hated how much Jaxson was right. It was better to laugh than scream in frustration.

“What thing is that?”

Jaxson shrugged and chuckled. “I don’t know. You know I don’t like the details between you two. But he makes you happy, so I imagine he can make the night turn for the better.”

He grabbed a quick hug and stepped away to leave. She grabbed his hand to stop him.

“What about you? You shouldn’t be alone either.”

A tiny grin lit up his face. “I’ll be fine.” Then he looked at Dane and nodded.

Dane returned a similar gesture.

They both stood in their spot until they heard the front door click. Dane must’ve taken that as his cue to move. He entered her space, although he didn’t pull her into his arms, almost as if unsure if he should. He was close enough where he could’ve. She wanted him to. But then again, she still also wanted him to leave.

The tears were threatening once more. Jaxson left. He’d be alone in his misery.

Processing the death of a suspect.

Dealing with a broken heart.

He shouldn’t be alone either.

“I’m not leaving.”

She shivered at the way his soft words hit her straight in the heart. The tenderness. The concern. The worry in three short words.

“Maybe I want to cry. Maybe I don’t want you to see.”

He reached out and took her hand. The minute his warm hand touched her icy cold fingers, a sense of rightness swarmed her system.

“I hated seeing you cry. It’s not something I want to see again, but if you need to, then I’m here to hold you. To rub your back. To dry your eyes. Whatever you need from me.” His loose hand reached up and caressed her cheek. “Just don’t ask me to leave. I can’t leave. I won’t leave.”

Damn Jaxson and pointing out why some of her relationships failed. Because she sucked at letting people in. Like, really inside her heart.

Here was this sweet, adoring man begging to be let in.

“I’m not hungry. I don’t want to eat.”

That wasn’t what she had intended to say. Honestly, she didn’t know what to say. She wouldn’t make him leave, but she didn’t know where to go from here.

He pulled her toward the couch and guided her to sit, snuggling her close to his side. “Then we won’t eat.”

While her eyes didn’t focus on the game in front of them, she did focus on the softness of his touch—at the soothing way he rubbed his fingers up and down her arm. Nothing erotic. Nothing to get her blood pumping. Just a simple, soothing gesture indicating he was here, and he wasn’t leaving.

They came suddenly and without warning.

The tears.

It erupted like a dormant volcano.

Dane said nothing. He shifted her into his chest as she poured out all her agony from the day.