Page 42 of The Wrong Brother

They stood staring at each other, not saying another word. Mere words weren’t needed. It’s as if they told each other with their heavy stares what they wanted to say. Dane arched his brow, letting Jaxson know that Gabriella was his. Jaxson smiled back with a smirk that couldn’t be disguised, but it had a slight reassurance he had no intention to swoop in.

“Well, this isn’t awkward.” Jaxson chuckled as he shifted on his feet. “Can I come in?”

He didn’t want to let him in, but he knew he couldn’t slam the door in his face without seeing Gabriella’s wrath.

“Sure.” Dane backed away from the door, figuring Jaxson could shut it himself. Otherwise, the temptation might be too great to slam it himself.

“How’s Mia?” He turned around when Jaxson slammed the door harder than he expected.

“Why would I know?” Jaxson asked, confused.

“Why wouldn’t you know?”

“Why should I know?”

“Shouldn’t you?”

“Why should I?”

“You don’t think you should?” Dane countered, wondering what Jaxson’s problem was when it came to Mia.

He liked her. He should just tell her.

“This is turning into awkwardness again. I don’t get it.”

Dane shook his head. “I know you don’t. That’s the problem.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Jaxson clenched his fists. “You have a problem with me, Dane?”

Dane stepped closer, getting toe-to-toe with him. “Only if you get between Gabriella and me. You seem very close to her. I didn’t think I had anything to worry about last night when you left with Mia. I could see how you felt. Yet, here you are at Gabriella’s, and you have no idea how Mia is.”

“You feel threatened by me?” Jaxson asked with a laugh. “Wow. You must like Gabby a lot. I’ve never gotten that reaction, and yes, I’ve always been around the losers she’s dated.”

A muscle ticked in his cheek as he clenched his jaw tight.

Was this asshole insinuating something? That he was a loser? He’d hate to have to hit Jaxson and get Gabriella upset at him. But if Jaxson kept it up, he couldn’t be sure he’d be able to control his temper.

“I can see why they never lasted. You hang around too much.”

“Oh, is that the problem she has? It’s me?” Jaxson stepped closer. “No, the problem is they’re all losers. They can’t handle the type of woman she is. Can you handle her? Why do you feel threatened by me?”

“Why haven’t you checked on Mia?”

Jaxson backed up a step. “Why would I?”

Dane laughed. “Are we going through those series of questions again?”

“No, we’re not. Excuse me,” Jaxson said as he brushed by him.

Oh, the nerve.

Dane was tempted to push him but refused to fight with Gabriella again. And that would cause an argument. Not to mention, it was such a childish gesture. He wasn’t in middle school, fighting for the attention of the most popular girl.

Why was he acting jealous anyway? He knew Jaxson liked Mia. He saw it plain as day last night, even now as Jaxson tried to avoid it.

Yet, he couldn’t control the jealousy that coursed through his veins when he thought about how close Jaxson was with Gabriella.

Perhaps that was the problem. He wanted that closeness with her. And he didn’t want to share it with anyone else.