Page 39 of The Wrong Brother

“We spent the evening together, not the day. There’s a difference.” She smiled, hoping to show he hadn’t disappointed her. The last thing she needed was pity. If he wanted to leave and go to work, she wouldn’t stop him. She had no control over the man.

Except, she didn’t want him to leave. “It’s my last day of vacation, and I want to spend it with you. Are you going to deny me that?”

He shifted under the covers as he sat up, running a tired hand through his hair. She wanted to know what he was thinking. Lucky for her, it didn’t take a genius to figure it out. It was written on his face. A deep pain expanded inside her chest.

“There are a few things I need to get done today. Things I should’ve done yesterday, and I didn’t.”

Was this how it would always be with him? Fighting for attention? Fighting with his work?

“It’s Sunday. You shouldn’t work on a Sunday.”

“I always work on Sundays.”

He said it as if it were written in gold and couldn’t be changed.

More pain exploded. Why was he doing this to them? Would it kill him to take one weekend off?

“I want to spend the day with you, Dane, but I won’t beg. I will never beg you to spend time with me if it’s work you’d rather do.”

“Damn it, Gabriella. I want to spend time with you. I do. I don’t want to fight with you already this morning. We just woke up.”

“I’m not fighting.” Although her words hadn’t hidden the anger she was feeling spreading like wildfire in her veins.

But she didn’t lie. She wasn’t fighting. If he wanted to work, then so be it. She had better things to do than fight with a man who would ultimately break her heart. They always did. Which was why it was easier to walk away first. No sense letting someone completely in just for them to destroy her.

It already felt like he had broken her heart.

She tossed the covers to the side and stretched as she stood up from the bed. The evil part of her wanted to make him drool a little, like his teasing comment he made. He didn’t want to spend the day with her. Fine.

She stretched her arms high, moving her body in a sensual way. She bent down to the floor, bending slowly as she swayed her ass from side to side.

Feeling rejuvenated from that small exercise, she grabbed her robe lying across the chair near her bedroom window and slipped it on.

She glanced at Dane, who sat motionless on the bed, watching her. His eyes were dilated with passion. A passion so deep, she almost expected him to jump out of bed and grab her. Throw her back onto the bed and have his wicked way—again for the umpteenth time. She would let him.

“I’m hungry. I’m going to see what’s in my cupboards. You’re more than welcome to eat something before you leave.” She didn’t wait for a response, especially since she didn’t want to hear him confirm he would be leaving.

Damn the man for making her believe they could have something real. But what kind of relationship could they have if he always wanted to work? She refused to beg for his attention. He either wanted to spend time with her, or he didn’t.

Opening the fridge with a trembling hand, mad at herself for caring so quickly about the obstinate man, she had to blink a few times to focus on what she was seeing.

Eggs. Milk. Bacon.

Well, why not? He wanted to leave her already to work when that’s all he ever did with his time. She’d make him a breakfast fit for a king and show him what he’d be missing.

She pulled the eggs and milk out, taking care not to slam the eggs on the counter. But damn it, she wanted to smash every egg in sight. Preferably at Dane himself. It had been crazy to think he would spend the day with her. She should’ve realized she wouldn’t be able to keep him from work long. His work was his livelihood.

She grabbed the counter as a sharp pain hit her. She’d never be able to compete with his work. Not even after a glorious night together. It’s like it never even happened with the way he barely blinked about leaving this morning.

How foolish she had been to think what they’d shared was even an ounce of love.

She sniffed, hoping to prevent a tear from escaping. She would not cry. Nope.

Would. Not. Cry.

This was ridiculous. Why should she cry over that irritating man?

Why was she so upset? This was new—whatever this was between them. She shouldn’t expect him to stay. He spent the night, and she should be thankful for that.