Page 34 of The Wrong Brother

She leaned her head on his chest, inhaling his wonderful scent. “I don’t either.”

She felt his intake of breath, then a heavy sigh escape. She was almost afraid to ask what that meant. Turned out, she didn’t need to ask.

“So, whenever you’re ready to tell me the answer to the question that started everything earlier, I’ll be ready to listen. No pressure. I want you to know there’s nothing that you can say that will make me leave this room again. I’m right where I want to be.”

She had her doubts about that. Maybe she would let him spank her.

It’d be better than confessing.


Dane wanted to hold his breath as he waited for her to say something. But he knew that would be foolish. He’d die of suffocation, waiting for her to answer that burning question.

He opened himself up to her. He said things he had never told another soul. It felt good to release all that pent-up emotion. To unload about his brother. Because he bottled up way too much about his brother. He could never stand Champ’s antics.

Sure, his other reason for sharing would be so she felt comfortable sharing with him.

But he also wanted to tell her.

If it came to the point where he introduced her to his parents, he needed her to know why it might be awkward. His father didn’t keep his opinions about Dane to himself. He had no problem praising Champ and excluding Dane as if he didn’t exist. His mother always tried to bridge the gap, but it never worked.

On second thought, maybe it wouldn’t be the wisest decision for her to meet his parents. He was embarrassed, simply thinking about it.

He kissed the top of her head. The silence was starting to become deafening, but he wasn’t sure what to say. He wanted her to say something first. Anything. Even something like, “Let’s get this party started under the sheets,” and he’d be happy.

Of course, he would drop the subject if that’s what she wanted. For now, anyway. He wasn’t sure he could drop it altogether. He wasn’t made like that. When something bothered him, it festered like an infected wound. Nothing would solve a problem by letting it continue to fester.

Was it selfish of him? Probably. When he wanted something, he did everything in his power to obtain it.

They held each other for the longest time. The minutes ticked by as silence reigned. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence. He could’ve lain there all night holding her. He liked her in his arms. It was a very unfamiliar feeling. Foreign, yet wanted. He couldn’t remember the last time he relaxed and enjoyed the silence—enjoyed the presence of another person. A woman. A very beautiful, enticing woman. It had been a long time since he had the urge to do something more than just work. Work was the furthest thing in his mind. He wanted to hold Gabriella, let this strange feeling—contentment, perhaps—soak into his veins and settle into his heart. He could get used to this.

But should he?

He shivered when her lips caressed his chest.

Soft, tender touches like that told him, yes, he could get used to this. He wanted more. So much more. By her simple gesture, she was telling him she wanted more as well. At least, at the moment.

He stopped brushing his fingers on her back, bringing them down her arms and to her waist, where he grabbed the hem of her tank top. He didn’t need any further signal about what she wanted.

She didn’t want to talk. That was fine with him. They had all the time in the world to talk later.

He pulled the tank top over her head, immediately clamping his mouth over a hard nipple. She moaned in delight, her body instinctively reaching for his cock. That small contact lit his body on fire. He pushed her to lay on her back and slid down her body as he removed her panties.

“I want you, Dane. Nothing else right now, please. Just you inside me,” she whispered, grabbing at his hair when his mouth started to glide to her hot center.

He glanced up at her with a scorching grin. “Later, then. I want to taste you again later.”

And he would. He had to. His need for her was all-consuming. A strange, yet intense feeling he couldn’t get rid of. That he couldn’t control. Look at him, not even working. That should tell him how much control she had over him.

He threw off his boxers, grabbed a condom, and ripped the package open with quick precision. Sheathing himself, he entered her in one smooth move. For one glorious moment, he let himself enjoy the feeling of her. Wet. Hot. And ready for anything he was about to dish. Fast and hard? Or slow and sweet? He wasn’t sure how he wanted this joining to go, even though they had teased it would be fast and rough.

She stared back at him, smiling with one of her gorgeous smiles he loved. She grabbed his ass and gave him the cue to start moving. He could’ve held that position for a bit longer, enjoying the sweetness that surrounded him, but he also understood her urgency. The desire coursed through his body as well. He needed her like he needed his next breath.

They moved in a rhythmic pattern—thrust after thrust of delightful joy, perfectly in sync with each other.

Slow and sweet it was.

Neither made a move to do anything but connect their bodies as one—no kissing, no moving of their hands, just a simple embrace as they moved together. That spoke louder than any other action could have done.