Page 27 of The Wrong Brother

He was giving her payback for all the times she made him wait until she heard the magic words.

“Dane, please. Inside me. Now.”

She couldn’t resist being a little demanding while at the same time giving him what he desired.

She watched as his head lifted with a mischievous smile. “It took you long enough. Although I could kiss you all night.”

“Who knew the word please was so magical?”

“I never did.” He moved over her body, resting his forearm next to her head as he swiped a lock of hair back. “I don’t have any condoms on me. I’m hoping you have some. I want you so badly, the scenarios in my head are scaring me. The last thing I expected when I came here was this.”

“Scenarios?” she asked with a giggle.

He returned a wondrous laugh of his own. “Oh, they range from knocking on every door on this floor to bribing the doorman to run to the store. Trust me, those are the tamer ones.”

As much as she’d love to see Dane ask Mrs. Stenson if she had any condoms—since she always knocked on her door for things, not that sugar compared to condoms—she decided she’d put Dane out of his misery. And her own. She wanted him just as badly.

“Bathroom. Underneath the sink.” She didn’t move from her spot as he hopped off the bed and opened the bedroom door. “Hurry up.”

In the brief seconds he was gone, her mind went from one thought to another.

What was she doing?

How long did it take to grab condoms from underneath her sink? They weren’t hiding in the back. Or were they? No, they were right next to her tampons in the front. She kept things very organized in her bathroom. Like she did everywhere else.

Should she be doing this? She barely knew him.

What was taking him so long? She couldn’t wait to get him deep inside her, sending more delicious tingles down her spine.

Round and round her mind spiraled in the seconds he was gone. She couldn’t help herself. Part of her thought she should wait and get to know him more. Why didn’t he seem to like his brother? Why was he willing to forgive her when he said he never forgave liars? Was he now lying to her? Exacting revenge in the worst kind of way? Would he be that cruel? She never meant to hurt him.

Part of her thought, who cares. She’d been dying to get her hands on him since the first penetrating look in his eyes. She’d deal with the consequences after the fact.

He walked back into the bedroom, swinging the door closed again. The look of anticipation and excitement in his eyes had her worries disappearing for the moment.

He tossed one condom package on her nightstand as he rolled one onto his thick, hard cock. A seductive, slow smile emerged as he crawled back onto the bed. That wasn’t the look of someone trying to get revenge.

“We’re going to need to make a pharmacy run. Or bribe the doorman. Or knock on a few neighbors’ doors. That’s all the condoms you have,” he said, positioning himself over her.

She giggled, enjoying the picture of him knocking on anyone’s door asking for a condom. Then she glanced at her nightstand, where the other condom package sat waiting to be used. “Oh, we’re using two condoms tonight...and more. So ambitious of you.”

He pressed forward, slowly entering her. “When it comes to you, Gabriella, I imagine one time will never be enough. You know how ambitious I am. There’s no stopping me.”

She gasped. A mixture from his words and feeling her body stretch to his hard length. She never felt such yearning for a man. He barely entered her, and she never wanted him to leave. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he fully penetrated her. He couldn’t leave her now.

“Hold on, sweetheart. I’ve been wanting this all week. I’m going to take you fast and hard,” he whispered into her ear as he started to thrust into her.

Yes. Oh, yes. Hard and fast was what she wanted, too.

She squeezed her legs tighter, loving the way the endearment left his mouth. She absolutely loved it when he called her that, and the way her name rolled off his tongue. She would embrace his sweetness for as long as he was willing to give it. Because she imagined he didn’t give it often.

She clung to him as he thrust deeply, letting loose. He didn’t hold back. He meant it when he said fast and hard. His muscles were strained, pumping, exerting himself as he was, yet he looked relaxed for once. As if he was letting down barriers he kept tightly around him. And why? Why did he push himself so hard at work? Why did he never let himself have a break?

She tried to keep up with his pace, wanting him to let loose as much as he could. He needed this. She imagined he never let himself go in such a manner. How could he when he worked so damn much?

A moment of panic entered her mind. How much would she have to contend with when it came to his job? Would she have to fight his job to get any affection from him? She thought it was a high possibility. But as he continued to pound into her over and over again, a wicked smile stretched across his face, she knew he would be worth the fight. She would make him take a break. She would make him smell the fresh air.

She could feel another beautiful orgasm making its way through her body. She didn’t want to ruin the moment by coming first, but she had no way to stop it. With the way he moved so freely inside of her, she couldn’t hold back. She gave way to the joy, moaning his name, the neighbors down the hallway had to have heard.