Page 59 of Desperate Bargain

But now, I long to have a child, one-half me, one-half Trent, and I know the boys would be overjoyed by it. Not right now, but one day.


He smiles. “Baby, maybe.”



It’s my job to keep Suki safe, which is why I loathe the thought of bringing her into the lab.

But Cole said they found things written in Korean, and figuring out what it all means is of dire importance.

Suki is strong, though, and when she enters the area her husband occupied during his days, she doesn’t cower. She walks around gingerly, studying the equipment.

“For as shitty as the situation is, a little luck has shone down on us,” Cole says.

“Indulge me.”

“The virus Ji-hoon was working with was avian, and won’t infect mammals.”

“Huh, that’s interesting…especially since we are mammals and it infects us.”

“Apparently, this was all engineered by man.”

I eye Cole critically, “No way,” though I’d already come to the conclusion myself based on rager chicken.

“When we first looked at the labs within the Keep, there was a lot we missed. Hidden files and equipment. Atticus managed to crack the database, and Eva has made some sense of it. Even Christine looked at it because she’s one smart cookie, though she admits it’s out of her depth.”

“So, that’s good, right? It means birds might go nuts, but cows and pigs and our other food sources should be fine?”

“It’s not as bad, but it still sucks. I can’t say if they’ll be able to fly once they’ve turned, and I’m not sure how much damage they could do. It’s still going to be a big fucking issue.”

“You’re not seriously thinking about closing off the Keep, are you?”

“Not yet. You’ll be working close to the Keep, so you can return to Suki each night. Same with the other coupled men. I’m going to do a reach to the further areas of the city, in case we’re forced to go inward. There’s a lot more activity among the living, and maybe not all of it is bad.”

“We can’t close the Keep. The men will go crazy. There will be chaos.”

“I know. As I said, we should have begun our scouting months earlier, but opening the Keep was too much a risk at the time.”

“How-can-I-help?” Suki says once she’s had a look around.

Eva brings over a binder and sets it on a desk in front of her. “Read…ah, help us understand.”

Suki nods, her eyes skimming the paper.

“There’s…lots more,” Eva says.

Suki takes a seat, her brow pinching inward.

Finally, Suki points to the book. “Um, test times. Ah…”

“The translator,” I remind her.

Gage found a few pocket translators that are way more useful than paperback dictionaries.

She takes the gadget from her pocket and plugs in what she wants to say, then speaks the words out loud.