Page 45 of Desperate Bargain

“Man, she was claimed already.”

I narrow my brow. “That’s not right. The only other person to ever see her was Blake, and she knocked his ass flat.”

“Not him. That crazy Korean scientist. The one that hangs out in the lab, probably doing jack shit.”

“Wait, what?” I cock my head to the side, trying to puzzle together what Alistair just said.

“Yeah, it was a bad day for Gabriel and me. Cole seemed fine. Must have fallen in love with his damn hand.”

“Did she choose the scientist because he was the only person she could talk to?”

“Nah, man. He’s her husband since, like…before this whole zombie thing.”

The blood drains from my face.

“I was never what he wanted and brought only shame,”she’d said, her pretty face looking all torn up.


“Ah, yeah—and it royally fucking sucked. She never leaves their dorm, so it’s not like I have to see her, but still.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, man. The guy’s a real prick, too. Hides her away like a goddamn leprechaun hides gold. Not that I blame him. Probably doesn’t want us showing her what a real man is.” He grabs his crotch to emphasize his point.

What the fuck does this mean? Why didn’t he send a patrol out to bring her and the boys in?

When shit hit the fan, we closed the Keep, but we still sent people out on fact-finding missions and to search for loved ones. Hell, Gabriel stormed half the city looking for his baby sis before coming back empty-handed.

But Ji-hoon never once talked about a family. He was just a scrawny man begging for his life, insisting he could be useful. Not that he ever did anything other than disappear into his lab.

Upon inspection of his workspace, there were test tubes, refrigerators, and a whole lot of books, but nothing too exciting. Cole let him live in case his knowledge could somehow help in the future.

“I was never what he wanted and brought only shame.”

He didn’t love her. If he had, he would have taught her English. She wouldn’t have been struggling on the streets to keep her kids alive.

And now he’s at the Keep with her. Isolating her from everyone else.

And so help me God, if it’s the last thing I do, I’m gonna murder that motherfucker.




Ji-hoon is unusually quiet. Which I’ve learned can be a very bad thing. His mind twists in weird ways, imagining slights that simply do not exist.

I wish things had been different. That he had been kind. I could have been happy with him. He’s handsome, despite his age, and his brain is quite beautiful in that it is genius.

But his heart is cold.

I finish getting the boys ready for school, then guide them to the door.

As much as I’d like to bring them myself, I do not want to risk Ji-hoon’s wrath. Not until I’m better positioned to do so.

Ji-hoon thinks he’s taken all the Korean to English dictionaries from me, but Duri was able to sneak one into the apartment. It’s meant for younger children, but I still learn a lot from it. And once Ji-hoon goes to his lab, I’ll take a short walk around the complex. Eventually, I’ll practice my English with people, and hopefully, with my newfound independence, I’ll gain some respect.