Page 40 of Desperate Bargain

Now, I know better.

When I’m taken up the stairs instead of down, I’m confused, but when we arrive at the roof to a waiting helicopter, my mind begins to settle.

Trent’s people are accomplished. I won’t have to live in fear with my boys. As Trent said, we’ll be provided for with food, safety, and shelter.

“Trent?” Duri asks, his voice broken.

“Perhaps we’ll see him sometime soon,” I reply, not wanting to break his heart.

In a way, Trent was the only father figure Duri and Hyun have had in their small lives, as Ji-hoon could not be bothered with them. Trent played with them, tended to their needs, and treated me with respect in front of them during our time together. I’m happy that my boys got to witness that, even if it took a cruel dead world for it to happen.

One of the men keeps looking at me like he wants to eat me. I know what this means, and I hope these men are honorable.

Bags are placed over our heads. At first, I fight it, but then I realize it’s hopeless, and pray it’s because they don’t want the location of their base known.

After landing, we are hustled blindly from the helicopter and walked for a minute until I hear a door close.

The bags are removed, and I see that we’re standing in a brightly lit hall.

My boys are anxious, crying for Trent.

“It’s okay. These are good people. We need to do what they say,” I assure them.

We are walked further down the hall, into a room where a blonde woman is seated. The men leave me with her.

She says, “Hello, I’m Christine.” in perfect Korean.

I breathe out a sigh of relief. “Hello, it’s so good to finally talk to somebody,” I say.

Her brow rises, and she says, “I know very little Korean, but there is a man coming that is fluent.”

All at once, it’s like the wind has been taken from my sails.

She bends and says simple Korean words of greeting to my boys, then she gestures for each to stand on a scale. She records her findings on a clipboard like a doctor would do.

The door opens and one of the men from the helicopter, Cole, steps in.

“The scientist?” the woman asks, clearly annoyed.

“He’s coming.”

I’m glad to know more words, thanks to Trent, but it’s still frustrating being the only person who doesn’t know what’s going on.

Cole mumbles something, showing Christine Duri’s injured leg.

She squats, looks at it, and says, “It’s-eeling well.”

Duri smiles. “She says it’s healing!”

I exhale, relieved.

Christine gestures for me to take a seat, then she begins sifting through my hair, as Trent had.

Now I understand. He was giving me some kind of medical examination.

Another man enters. One I’ve seen before.

I grab my boys and hold them close, backing up against the wall.