Page 25 of Desperate Bargain

Eva might know a little Korean. And there’s that scientist guy we let live, but he keeps to himself, scurrying off to that lab of his, doing God knows what.

Suki will be so relieved to be taken to safety, she won’t even realize I’ve slipped away, back to pest control.

As much as the plan makes complete sense, I feel an unexpected hollowness at the thought of leaving Suki and her boys. It’s gotta be because I’ve been out on the streets for so long, with hardly any company save Susan.

I’ve only known Suki a few days, meeting after a disastrous introduction. There’s no way I could actually have feelings for her.

But as I look over at her, her face somber, all I can think about is making her smile. A day ago I would have said it was the blowjob talking, but my affection for Suki extends far past our physical interactions.

The way she cares for her children, how she scavenges throughout the city, how fucking brave she is. Keeping her kids alive was a fucking job. She bested Blake and me, which is damn impressive.

And she does it all without knowing the native language.

I don’t know what it is I feel for her, but it’s a heck of a lot more than what I’m used to and making her sad tears me up inside.

God, how could I be so stupid? Of course she’s going to be confused. I fucking pried her eyes open for a look-see.

But perhaps I can turn things around. Go slower. Take my time getting to know them. With my leg still injured, it’s not like it’s safe to bring them to the Keep anyway.

Suki knows how good I can make her feel. That’s the only communication we need.

For now.

I’ll earn her trust back that way, with licks and sucks and doing all the things that make her scream. When I’m done with her, she’ll follow me anywhere without question, because she’ll be addicted to how good I can make her feel.

I just hope I don’t grow addicted to her in the process.




Softness caresses my cheek. I open my eyes to see Trent squatting, fixing me with his icy blue eyes.

I know what he wants. I want it too. But I’m confused.

I don’t understand what he was doing earlier. I’d wondered if he were perhaps a doctor, but that doesn’t seem likely. Why would he look at my eyeballs?

Still, I do not want to continue to be mad when I could be delighted.

Carefully, I wiggle out of bed, trying my best not to wake the boys. Duri groans, rolls to his side, and continues his slumber.

Trent grabs my hand, urging me to the small bathroom.

I follow. There’s simply no way I can say no to him.

As soon as he closes the door, his mouth is on me, covering mine, his tongue slipping between my lips. I move against him with uncertainty, and he slows, licking inside my mouth like he licked me last night, between my legs.

When we part, he mumbles as he does, his tone affectionate.

All is forgiven as I lose myself in the possibilities of what the night holds.

He pulls off his shirt, and I stand in awe of his muscular chest. When he unbuckles his belt, I go to my knees to assist, but he hoists me to my feet.

Once his clothes are off, he removes mine, kissing my flesh as it is revealed.

Somehow, he turns every inch of my skin into sensual chaos. Even just a slight kiss on my collarbone makes me gasp, and when he cups my breast, teasing my nipple ever so gently, my blood rushes so fast, I think I might faint.