Page 22 of Desperate Bargain

And the effect it has on my body is obscene. I feel…hot…dizzy…I can hardly breathe.

His tongue is seemingly everywhere. Thrusting into me, licking my lips, rolling around my asshole, setting my body ablaze.

Never before have I been pleased like this. It must be an American thing. Not that my mother was ever forthcoming with intimacy.

Keeping me ignorant made me more valuable to suitors.

It also made me a victim.

All this time I thought sex was terrible, but with this new revelation, I can think of nothing so enjoyable as to spend the day in bed with Trent. Pleasing him and being pleased.

The sensations spiral, determined to claim my sanity. It feels like I’m slipping from reality into a storm. I lean back, pressing my head against the mirror, hiking my legs high onto Trent’s massive shoulder.

He continues to worship my petals, licking and sucking and driving me wild.

I moan. I can’t help it. It feels too much. Too big.

Trent’s large hand comes up, covering my mouth. A small part of me melts at the thought of him thinking of my children when I had so clearly forgotten them.

I wonder what his thoughts are on fatherhood, and whether he would take to the role for Duri and Hyun. After how crazy they acted for him, I wouldn’t blame him if he decided to leave.

Trent quickens his stroke, his tongue plowing through my folds, bringing me pleasure anew with each swipe.

I feel delirious. Completely out of sorts. My heart is pounding in my chest so fast, I wonder if he can hear it.

“Mmmm-let-go,”he mumbles, making what I think is a tasty sound. I’m pleased that he likes this. Maybe he’ll do it again. And again.

I could go to sleep every night smiling.

Suddenly, I feel a sharp spasm. My body quakes as a deep rolling sensation emanates from my core.

It’s too much.

My legs clamp against his cheeks at the unexpected pressure. I have to stop him. If I don’t, I might die.

But as I move to push his head away, my hips draw up sharply as a series of small explosions rock my center.

I scream, unable to hold back. My body reacts on its own, lifting and grinding and seeing precious friction I never knew I needed.

But just as quickly as the rush overtook me, I’m overwhelmed with near painful sensitivity.

I push him away, relieved when he relents. He kisses my inner thighs, murmuring soft sounds.

I want to tell him thank you and plant a million kisses on his face, but the sound of Duri crying sends me into a panic.

Trent grabs a washcloth and wipes his face. I try to jump off the sink, but he holds me in place.

“Its-o-k,” he says slowly, like I’ll somehow understand English if he speaks at a snail’s pace.

Trent taps his chest. “O-k.”

He pulls his pants up and leaves, and I jump off the sink, hurrying to get mine on.

I can’t believe I was so negligent. That I was so…so…vocal. My kids probably think I was being murdered, and why wouldn’t they? I was literally screaming.

I take one last look in the mirror before rushing out the door, but as I enter the bedroom, I’m surprised by what I see.

Trent is seated with Duri on his good leg, bouncing him up and down. Instead of Duri giving him a sour look, he’s giggling, encouraging him to go faster.