Page 18 of Desperate Bargain




Iblink, trying to bring Suki into focus, but predictably, a small fist lodges itself into my eye.

Blinded, I scream.

Suki closes the distance between us, grabbing her demon spawn as she casts me a scathing glare.

“Look, he locked himself in the bathroom.” I gesture to the broken door.

Her face contorts in accusation.

“He locked himself in!”

It’s then I realize that it doesn’t matter what I say. She can’t understand me.

Duri is pointing up at me, crying. I can only imagine he’s telling her I tried to murder them.

Several full bags are strewn around the floor. She was out scavenging, thinking that for once her children were in good hands.

I grab a wet wipe and clean up my bloody nose, thankful it’s not broken. The kid has quite a leg on him.

“Look, ah, I’m sorry,” I say, but it falls flat. She can’t understand me, and even if she did, it might not be enough.

She talks to Hyun in a soothing voice, doting on him as he sniffles, pointing his tiny demon finger at me.

I really hope this doesn’t earn me a sword through the gut.

Suki pulls out a candy bar from one of the bags, opens it, breaks it in half, and gives the pieces to her boys.

Why should I be surprised? After all, she bribed me with a blowjob.

Not that she’ll be so generous in the future. I’ll be lucky if she lets me eat before kicking me out.

I lean against the desk as she busies herself, putting the canned goods in boxes and sliding them under the bed.

If only I could communicate with her. Fuck, I don’t even know a Korean cuss word, that’s how foreign her language is to me.

But when she tried to communicate with me yesterday, it wasn’t with words. It was with actions. Maybe there’s something I can do to convey my apology.

As much as I’d love to slide her pants down and amend the situation, two fury-filled obstacles take that option off the table.

Duri is chattering, as he does, probably telling her I threatened them with child sacrifice.

One thing’s for sure. There’s no fucking way she’s going to allow me to stay here. Not after what she walked in on.

At this point, my hands are tied. I have to notify the Keep and have Suki and her kids brought in. She might be pissed, but once her kids start getting three squares a day, school, and playmates, she’ll come around.

Not to mention that my friends aren’t too hard on the eyes, and with her willingness to play, she’ll be a welcome addition.

It shouldn’t upset me. I hardly know the woman, and even if I did like her, her two brats are not what I’m looking for. If anything, she’s only solidified my no-kid stance.

Sign me up for a vasectomy—stat!

Suki pulls out a box of Kraft Mac & Cheese and combines the hard noodles with water in a bowl, then puts it in the microwave. As it’s cooking, she pulls out a tub of powdered milk.