Page 17 of Desperate Bargain

No wonder she ditched the damn kids.

“It’s okay, Hyun. I’m gonna get you out of there,” I yell through the door.

I jiggle the handle, frustrated, angry that the little shit is so damn impatient.

The screaming escalates, and I wonder what the hell is going on. Did he cut himself like his brother? That’s not an‘I’m scared’cry. It’s an ‘I’m being fucking murdered’ kind of scream.

“A little help,” I shout to Duri.

He doesn’t even look up at me.


I yank the handle, trying to force it to turn, but it dislodges from the door, leaving behind a hole.

I can see Hyun on the other side, his face beet red. He’s crying so hard, his little eyes are squinted shut, his cheeks glistening with tears.

I can’t fucking take the noise. It’s too much.

I pull open the door and grab the kid up.

“Are you okay?” I ask, inspecting his skin to see if there are any wounds.

There’s none. He’s just…crying. Inconsolably.

I hold him under his armpits, my arms fully extended. I know better than to shake him, but other than that, I’m clueless.

“Shh-shh-shh—it’s gonna be okay.”

He continues to scream.

Shit, what the fuck do kids like? Boobs? Probably too old for that, not that I could help. I hardly think he’d sit and listen to me read. His brother doesn’t seem to give a fuck if he screams up a lung.


“Let’s ah, let’s bring you in for a hug.” I pull Hyun to me and press his cheek to my chest.

He quiets.

I sway from side to side. “See, this isn’t so bad, is it?”

I breathe out a sigh of relief, pleased with myself until the little monster reaches up and stabs his fingers in my eye.

“Mother-fucker!” I yell. As I try to pull him away, I feel a sharp jerk. The little shit grabbed my hair. I yank him harder, trying not to hurt the little bastard, but his grip is unbelievably strong for someone who can’t be more than three.

“Jesus Christ, would ya just let go?”

He responds by kicking his leg up into my nose.


Blood drips on the floor. This family is going to be the death of me.

I spin, so I can set the little psychopath down, but with everything going on, I stumble, nearly falling over Duri. He screams in pain, punching my leg right where my bandage is.

“Mother fucker—”I shout, still trying to get the micro-terror off of me.

Through the chaos, I hear a creak, and I look over at the door opening. Suki steps in.