Page 13 of Desperate Bargain

What would his touch feel like? Would it be gentle? Surely not with those calloused hands.

Ji-hoon’s hands were soft but brutal. Opposite of Trent in every way. Which makes me believe Trent’s touch would be divine.

I rise from my kneel, feeling silly. I did what I had to do. Nothing more.

He says something and tugs at me gently, but I pull away. Best not to confuse things.

Besides, I should check on my boys.





What the fuck just happened?

One minute, I’m soaking in a tub, the next, Suki storms in to give me the best fucking blowjob I’ve ever had.

Which is confusing as fuck.

Not that I’m complaining. Heck, I’ll take another.

Despite my appreciation, I’m left deeply confused. At least I’m no longer worried about getting my ass murdered, though.

Still, her fleeing the scene has me all kinds of mixed up inside. She wouldn’t even stay to let me return the favor, which could be because she needed to get back to her ankle biters. Or she’s just not interested. This could have been transactional. A way to make sure I don’t kill her for what she did to my leg. Not that I would, but with the language barrier, who knows what she might be thinking.

And if I’m being honest, the leg wound is totally worth a no-strings-attached blowjob. Yeah, I know that sounds fucked up, but I’m living in a time where every suck might be my last.

I grab a towel and dry myself as I mull over the interaction. One thing’s for sure, she acted…dutifully, which is kind of hot for roleplaying, but I tend to like my lovers enthusiastic.

It’d be nice if she didn’t rush away, so I could put a smile on her beautiful yet deadpan face. Does she ever feel joy? Every emotion I’ve seen from her looked tired and strained, which makes sense because she’s caring for two small children, one injured, during the apocalypse.

Perhaps tonight, after the kids are asleep, we’ll revisit the situation.

I scowl, angry with myself. What the fuck am I thinking? I can’t be setting up house here.

But with the kid’s leg injury, and my own, it’s probably not a bad idea to stay for a few days. I’ll make sure he’s okay, scavenge food for them when my leg feels better, and leave on good terms.

Heck, maybe we can work out an arrangement like I had with Susan. Protection and food for knob jobs. She doesn’t seem like the type that would get attached, so this could be a good setup for us both.

Except that I should be reporting her whereabouts to the Keep and making plans to take her in.

Women are in short supply. Children are highly valued. They’re the future, so it’s said. We live and die for them.

But the moment I bring Suki in for processing, I can kiss my little slice of heaven goodbye, because the Keep is all about repopulation, and if I don’t stake my claim, she’s up for grabs.

As much as I like Gabriel, Atticus, and the other knuckleheads, I don’t much enjoy the mental image of Suki on her knees for them, and I like even less the thought of them bending her over.

But why should I even care? I could claim her, but I’mchoosingnot to. Nothing is being taken from me.

Once I’m dressed, I exit the bathroom, which is incredibly awkward after what just happened.

Suki is seated on the children’s bed, her youngest on her lap. She’s showing him a picture book. Her oldest is scowling at me. I’m pretty sure I should be more afraid of him than his mother, despite being around the age of five.

As I draw closer to them, Suki’s eyes shift apprehensively to me, and I see her cheeks tint red. It’s cute that she’s embarrassed, but also worrisome. I don’t want to strong-arm her into anything, despite what my people are like.