Page 10 of Desperate Bargain

And while I may loathe sex, Trent is undeniably handsome, with sandy blond hair and crystal blue eyes that would make most women swoon. It might not be ideal, but it could be worse.

I exhale slowly, unsure of what to do.

It doesn’t have to be complicated. I could sate the beast until I no longer need him, then steal away with Duri and Hyun when he’s out.

It makes sense.

“Boys, I’m going to need you to mind yourselves for a minute, okay?”

“Where are you going?” Duri asks.

“To tend to the man’s wounds.” I toss Duri some raisins and a few books. “Mind your brother and be absolutely quiet.”

“Yeah, mom, we know,” Duri says as he cradles his brother. “I promise I won’t touch the sword again.”

I lock the door leading to the outside hall.

“I’ll be back soon.”

Bile fills my throat as anxiety takes hold. It’s been so long since I’ve been intimate with a man.

But I can do this. It’s a small price to pay if it means my children will be safe.

It takes all of my courage to open the bathroom door.

The room is steamy from the hot water. At first, Trent doesn’t even realize I’ve entered. He looks gigantic in the small, apartment-sized tub, his legs bent at ridiculous angles to fit.

When he finally sees me, he jolts upright, grabbing a bottle of shampoo to throw at me.

Here goes nothing…

I close the door behind me and kneel by the tub. Since I don’t know English and he doesn’t know Korean, I make my intentions known in the most brazen way possible.

With my hand on his cock.




My jaw drops because I’d expected many things when Suki entered the room, a sword through the gut being at the top of my list. Even a grenade had crossed my mind.

It seems the only thing I hadn’t considered, however, was a handjob.

A thick knot forms in my throat, rendering me unable to speak. I drop the bottle of shampoo in the tub as all thoughts of aggression melt away.

Ever so slowly, her hand runs the length of my cock. I close my eyes, trying to make sense of the situation, unsure if I should sit back and enjoy the ride, or push her hand away.

My thoughts are interrupted by Suki clearing her throat. She grabs my hand with the one she has free and places my index finger into her mouth, sucking as she arches a brow.

Yes, please…

Yeah, I was pissed that she stabbed me, but if this is how she’s gonna make up for it, I’ll take it. It’s certainly better than a sword through the bowels.

I give her a polite smile and nod. She withdraws her hand and waits for me to exit the tub.

Unfortunately, as soon as her hand withdraws from my cock, worry sets in. She could very well be a Black Widow, biding her time with me.