But now, Melgrim isn’t just an island full of exiles.

Melgrim is home.



The walk from the cave to Grixis’s village with all of our things is long and arduous. Many of the men are more than happy to help, but I remind my people that even though some are thrilled with our arrival, others are wary and we must constantly work to show them that we, too, are strong.

There’s only the slightest sliver of light left in the sky, but the men have built several fires so they can show us around the camp. After the day we’ve had, though, I think most of the women just want to sleep.

I worry about Amber, but if anyone can find her, it’s Ramsey. He’s nearly at a height with Grixis, and knows the land well, from what I’ve heard.

We’re brought to a longhouse that will be home to all the unmated women until they either build a home of their own or take up with one of Grixis’s tribe mates.

Unfortunately, there’s clearly not enough room, which seems to please the men as they offer shelter to those who’ve caught their eye.

I cannot abide my women being cowed into a situation they do not want, so I decide to make an example.

I march up to Eddard, who’s towering over Meg, and poke my finger up into his chest.

“You!” I take a step back and cast a stern gaze across all the men. “All of you, listen up! We’re going to need time to make such decisions, so until we’re good and ready, back off!”

I swear, Eddard looks like a kicked puppy, which is admittedly adorable.

Grixis rubs my shoulder affectionately and whispers, “All except for my Elena, who will be making her home in my bed.”

I slap his chest. “You assume a lot!”

“And you will deny me nothing.”

How can I argue with that?

Asha approaches. “I’m thankful for a warm place to sleep, but with the work I’ve been doing, I’ll need more room.” She holds up a blanket she’s been working on.

It’s just big enough for a human woman. The grey threads are dyed lovely shades of purple, and orange fringes line the edges. It looks like a beautiful sunrise, and even Grixis seems impressed.

Dogan takes it from her. “I have just the place for you!”

I’m one part angry, and one part surprised, because I’d always figured he had a thing for Nori.

“I said they get time—”

“It will surely take a few days for Ramsey to track down your friend and bring her back. More than a few if he intends to…court her, as you call it. Until better arrangements can be made, we can bring her to his hut.”


The thought of Ramsey coming home to Asha living in his house is terrifying…and hilarious.

“He won’t hurt her, will he?”

“Never,” Grixis scoffs, a smirk forming on his lips. “But please tell me when he gets back to the village. I look forward to the look on his face when he finds he has an intruder.”

I can’t help but giggle.

“I will help you bring your things,” Dogan urges.

I watch them as they walk away, then look around at the curious faces of Grixis’s people. I know that many are angry, but I hope that over time, they grow to appreciate us here.