I am most surprised by Dogan’s affection towards her. He is young, so it confuses me that he would be attracted to a woman so measured, but since the moment we stepped foot on the shore, his eyes have sought her out.

Asha has no such person that fawns for her. Her nature is soft; her skills, not as great. Elena speaks highly of her weaves, but we have leathers and furs and are in no need of such crafts. It is a surprise that she has not succumbed to the cruelties of the land, but perhaps that is only because she’s had others to shield her.

For Elena, I will make sure Asha is cared for.

“Your people have done well,” I say to Elena, who has not quite forgiven me for our time apart.

“Well, but not good enough. We lost one.”

“I know that feeling.”

“Her name was Claudia, and I barely knew her. She always did what she was told, but lacked ambition. I can’t even believe I would say that, but I suppose my mind has started to work like yours.”

“A blend of cultures.”

She snickers. “That’s how it was supposed to be.”

“Elena, I never wanted to leave you.”

Her steps grow smaller, as though the weight of her thoughts is too heavy. I wish I could relieve her of them.

“I know you wanted to bring us with you, and that leaving was never your fault. Heck, I told you to go. I was scared, and I loved you, and you made me feel unworthy.”

“Elena, you were never unworthy.”

Haelden approaches, his face dour.

I’m sure he voted against bringing the women, and now that we’re leading them to a place sacred to our people, I can see he is distraught.

“Are we really going to do this?”

I cast him a stern gaze. “We have no choice.”

“Surely we could take but one.”

“Asha is the one who will fit best, and Nori would do better describing our needs to her. Elena is their leader.”

“Our people—”

“Have no choice.”

It is hard for the strong to see reason sometimes. They are so stuck in their ways that the slightest deviance can prove to be too much.

I’d thought Ramsey would be the stubborn one, but oddly, it is at his suggestion that we bring the women to the Tomb.

Haelden stalks off, prompting Elena to say, “Are you guarding something?”

I exhale, wondering how much I should tell my Elena.

“The place I’m bringing you is called the Tomb, but it is ironically so as it brings with it the hope of life.”

“What do you mean?”

“There is much I cannot tell you, and I beg that you do not ask. Just be content in knowing that what your people do for us today will leave us indebted and overwhelmed with appreciation.”

“I hope that one day you will open up to me. Especially since I’m probably having your child.”

I do not tell her that it is not a matter of choice. That my obligation to Tempest is just as strong as my obligation to her. Both will become my life, though they are separate from one another.