“Why me, Nori, and Asha?”

“You, because you are tribe leader and I wish to be near you. Nori, because she is the most intelligent of your people. Asha, because she is the smallest.”

“The smallest?”

“That is why we need you. Asha is the key.”

“What needs repairing?”

“If I were to tell you, I could very well be put to death, as it would be considered treason to my people.”

“So you expect us to fix your problem for you in exchange for you giving us food and blankets?”

“No, actually. Now that you are with child—”

“It’s not definite.”

“Things have aligned in a most peculiar way, Elena. As if fate has intervened. With the troubles we are having, and with you carrying my child, I am prepared to offer you the full protection and security of my tribe.”

“But you can’t do that. The vote—”

“The vote happened before we needed your help. With the recent development, I can force their hand, and coupled with how fertile your people are, I’m positive many will accept my decision without issue.”

“What exactly are you offering?”

“Provided you assist with our issue, we bring your people to our village and take care of them. We will feed, clothe, shelter, and provide for your every need.”

“It can’t be that.”

Grixis looks at me, confused. “Then what do you want?”

“We need to be able to take care of ourselves. We need choices. Bring us to your village, but give us our independence. Court us, if you choose, but don’t force us under your thumbs. Help us build homes, hunt, and make our own blankets. Allow us to keep our independence.”

Grixis is silent for a long moment, and I worry that he’s going to demand our compliance.

Instead, he says, “This, I will allow, but I warn you, there will be a time when you cannot fend for yourselves, that this land will be too much for your people, and when that time arrives, you won’t be asking us to care for you, you’ll be begging.”

His words make little sense, but I decide there’s no point in arguing with him.

“I’ll get Nori and Asha so we can be on our way.”



Unimaginable pleasure radiates through my being.

My Elena is pregnant.

Never did I think I would father a child.

And the more I am around Elena, the more I see how worthy she is. More so than any woman of Tempest.

Despite her slight stature, Elena is brave, strong, intelligent, and astonishingly beautiful. In her presence, I feel inadequate.

I will protect her above all. Throughout the cold and darkness, she will be cared for. She will forever be mine.

Dogan walks a hair away from the human named Nori, who seems to be oblivious to his presence. That one is stuck in her own head most of the time, as wise men are apt to say.