The orbs of light cast a shadow, and I see that Grixis is standing at the entrance to my nook.

Just looking at him brings immeasurable pain and loathing. Feelings that feel enormous, and having to experience them all at once, makes me confused.

“So you are with child?”

“It’s possible.”

A look of exuberant joy washes over his face.

So I decide to slap it off.

How dare he have the audacity to find pleasure in my plight. For months, he’s left me and my people to fend for ourselves. We could have died.


My hand aches from the force of my blow.

Because I can’t stop myself, I hit him again and again, unleashing my pent-up anger on my once lover.

And when I’m finally done, and there’s nothing else inside me but a growing numbness I’m scared I’ll get used to, I crumple to the stone floor, weeping.

Grixis sits beside me, his enormous arms circling my slight frame.

“My Elena, I should have never left you.”

It’s true. He should have stayed with me, making sure I was okay, that my people could make it.

But even I know that’s unfair. I told him to leave.

“I’m scared,” I confess, not caring if he thinks me weak.

“I am too.”

I look up at him, brow furrowed. “The great and mighty Grixis is scared?”

“I have been since the day I left you on the shore. My feelings for you are not little, and I didn’t know what to do. Each night, I feared for you, unsure of how to better your fate.”

“So you did nothing.”

“That is not true. I scoured the forests close to your camp, killing anything I feared would bring you harm. I bided time until I could figure out something better.”


“And now I’m thankful to have answers.”

“Because of the baby?”

“No. Because we truly and desperately need your help.”

“Why would your people need mine?”

I feel the breath leave Grixis’s chest, and I sense his fear. Grixis, a giant that detests weakness, is afraid.

“I need you, Nori, and Asha to come with us.”


“I cannot give you all the details, but there is something my people hold sacred that needs…repair.”