Arwin’s shoulders slumped. “I guess he might have done that, but I was never told.”

“I’m sure it was him.”

“When I was taken from that party, however dastardly my fate was, there were times I was glad my parents could no longer use me as a pawn.”

“I can hardly blame you for that.”

“I guess I was just jealous that you were never put into that kind of situation.”

“I don’t blame you for your envy, though you had precious little to be jealous of. I had nothing to look forward to in life. No marriage prospects, and very few friends. I was nobody.”

“Now, you’re a very big somebody.”

I snort a laugh. “Tell that to the people who still demand I serve them their meals.”

“There are fewer as the moons pass by.”

She’s right. Most of the women obey me without question. Even Amber has come around a little, though she still gives me hassle. I almost wish someone would step up to relieve me of my obligations, because if this ship goes down, I’ll be at the helm.

Nori approaches with Meg. “Good news.”

I raise a brow.

With a cocksure grin, Nori says, “The clay worked in preserving the fruit. Of the five that we caked, three were perfectly preserved, and I’m sure in time we’ll perfect the method further.”

I run my fingers through my hair and exhale a sigh of relief. “That’s great. It means that we can have fruit in the dead of winter.”

“I’ve also been able to make paper, and Asha is giving me some of her dyes to test them as inks.”

I nod. “That’s good, but perhaps we should focus our efforts on fishing, hunting, preserving, and blanket making.”

“I understand that making paper isn’t life or death, but it could be something we use to trade.”

“We’ve been through this. It’s doubtful Grixis’s men will trade with us, and besides, it’s best that we become self sufficient.”

Nori shrugs her shoulders. “I understand.”

Guilt needles me. Nori is one of our best assets, and I hate clipping her wings.

“Hey, we might be stuck inside the cave a lot during the cold season. Maybe you can work on it then.”

Her face seems to brighten, which alleviates a bit of the stress her disappointment caused.

“Oh, almost forgot, have you been successful in making glass?”

“I’ve initiated glassification a few times, but in very small slivers. If you’d like, I can take you to the shore now and show you.”

“Might as well.”

I’m thankful to have something to distract me, especially with an unfortunate discovery I’ve made. It’s the absolute definition of nightmare, and for now, it’s my secret.

“The sand is pure enough, it’s just that…” Nori prattles on, but her words begin to blend.

The cold season is upon us. Wild beasts roam the land. We could very well freeze or starve. And then…there’s my little secret, which won’t be so little for much longer.

It brings with it fears too big for me to face now. Not with the coming cold.

“Elena?” a voice calls. It’s Nori, and she’s standing right next to me, but she sounds so far away.