“Your tent.”

* * *


It takesme less than a minute to jog from Asha’s furs to my tent, where Grixis is waiting for me.

His face is expressionless, his arms folded over his chest. It’s no different from any other time that I’ve seen him, but for some reason, his mannerisms put me on edge.

“D-did you vote?” I ask, trying unsuccessfully to make my voice sound strong.

He wets his lips and gives a curt nod.

Some of the women have gathered about a hundred feet from us, knowing to keep their distance but too curious to stay away.


He takes a step towards me, his hand reaching out to cup my cheek. When we’re alone, he’s constantly touching me, but it’s unlike him to act so affectionate out in the open. Perhaps this is a good sign.

“My Elena…”

My stomach twists with anticipation. He should be happy—he should be smiling, but…he’s looking at me like he’s…giving me bad news.

“You’re not taking us with you,” I blurt.

“My people have voted to leave yours on the shore.”

His words are like a sharp slap to the face, not just because of how daunting it is to know that we’ll be out here alone, but because I’d thought I’d make a life with this man. I didn’t just want his help. I wanted everything.

I wanted him to feel the same.

Instead of making a scene, I lift my eyes to his and say, “Then I guess you should leave.”

His lips form a thin, pursed line. “Never.”

“You said you’re leaving us.”

“My men are leaving you. I am not.”

“So you’re just going to hang with us out on the shore?”

He scratches his stubbled chin. “Not exactly. My men do not take kindly to desertion. I will be hunted.”

“Then you can’t leave your people.”

“If it means I cannot be with you, then I cannot stay.”

I turn from Grixis so he cannot see the tears welling in my eyes. “Then you doom us.”

“I know where my people do not go. We can build something—”

I pivot on my heels as my rage boils over. “I’m not leaving my people and you’re not leaving yours.”

“Even if it means we can never be together?”

“One day, when we’re on our feet, maybe we could trade. Leathers, furs, blankets, food. You’ve seen that we’re capable, but there are still things we haven’t accounted for. If we get desperate, I need you, as chieftain, to advocate to keep relations between our tribes open.”

“My people do not trade.”