The men look to Grixis, their gazes narrowed.

“I must admit that I have already taken Elena to bed.”

“But you have not had a union yet,” Eddard says with a lifted brow.

“It was at my request,” I say. “On Melgrim, we’re not bound to the rules of Penticar or Tempest. We can make our own. Ones that make sense for our situation. If someone wishes to wait until their union to mate, fine. If someone wishes to mate with many, also fine, as long as their intentions are clear.”

The men look at each other, silently communicating.

“The community we build should reflect our individual strengths as our tribes come together,” Nori says. “It is clear we lack the strength of the women of Tempest, but as you can see, we’re resourceful and willing to learn. Still, we might need more assistance than a traditional Tempest woman would, and you have to learn to accept that.”

Ramsey’s face sours with disgust.

“It’s not fair to hold us to the standard of your own,” I insist. “Your women have one, maybe two children. We are capable of several more, but during times of pregnancy, which could happen often, we might not be as equipped to deal with every day things.”

“When a woman of Tempest gets with child, the men she chose during her bedding work hard to provide for her during her time of vulnerability. We will continue this Tempest tradition,” Grixis says.

“So, when do we move?” Meg asks.

“I think they have proven themselves,” Grixis adds.

Ramsey fixes them with a hard gaze. “Not all of them.”

“We’re not leaving anyone,” Meg insists.

“It’s time we took a vote,” Eddard says. “Tonight, we will return to our village with all of our men so we can convene.”

“There are already more men than women. Why increase the gap?” I ask, annoyed that it’s not going as smoothly as I’d hoped.

“We cannot risk weak seed. Weak seeds weaken the line, and we’re already taking quite a risk with your people,” Ramsey says.

Grixis’s face softens. “This decision is too big for us to make alone. My people must have a say.”

I don’t like this. Not one bit. I’m pretty sure I can get them to take half of us right now, but if I allow concessions, I’ll never get them to take us all.

“Have your vote then,” I sneer, trying not to appear afraid. “We’ll wait, and if you decide not to take us, then stay out of our way.”



A dark foreboding lingers deep within me.

I do not like the mindset of some of my people.

A mindset I once shared.

I was a fool.

It is clear that while many of my men are smitten with the small women of Penticar, some will never suffer the slight of assisting a lesser. And so many of Elena’s women are weak.

We left at daybreak to convene with the rest of my tribe regarding what to do with the stranded women. The men that came to the shore with me I worry less about, as many have been charmed, but those that stayed in the village, the ones that didn’t want to make the journey, already have their minds made up.

Ramsey strides beside me. “If we vote to take some, I think you will be pleased with the outcome. We could even take more than half, which I would have argued against days ago.”

He’s not wrong.

“I know, but Elena is stubborn and not so easily bent.”