“I do apologize,” Eddard says, “but at the time, your explanation seemed nonsensical.”

“And then there’s the talk of cannibalism that had my women plotting your demise.”

Ramsey’s eyes narrow. “Plotting our demise?”

“One of my women overheard your people discussing acts of cannibalism they wanted to enact on Fiona. They literally thought you were helping us so you could fatten us up and later eat us.”

Eddard gasps. “When we seek to cannibalize you, it’s to lick your lady—”

“Hold your tongue!” Meg snaps, and I have to stifle my laughter. “We thought you meant roasting us over a damn fire kind of cannibalism.”

The men stare at us, each of their faces awash with shock. Suddenly, Ulof unleashes a big belly laugh and the others join him.

I let the laughter die down, and continue with, “We need to be careful of what we say around each other.”

“Were you really plotting to kill us?” Fenrick says with a slight giggle.

“Half the women wanted to run away, the other half wanted to run a sword across your throat.”

“Point me toward the sword handlers,” Ulof says. “That’s my kind of woman.”

It’s hard not to smile, because after they’ve lost their edge, Grixis’s men are actually quite fun and witty.

“I think that if we were to settle in a more permanent place, our cultures would blend better,” Nori says. “We’d be able to learn how to live with our differences, instead of constantly running into them.”

“She speaks truth,” Grixis says.

“I think I’ve seen enough to say that I am fine with the move to our camp,” Ulof says.

“I, too, would like that,” Fenrick adds.

Eddard nods in agreement as he ogles Meg.

Grixis looks to his men. “They are not like Tempest women, and we would have to adapt some of their ways, just as they adapt ours.”

“We have heard some of these traditions, but let us listen anew,” Ulof says.

Without hesitation, Nori begins. “As women of Penticar, we typically take one mate for life, and there is a union ceremony called a marriage. Sometimes, at the death of a spouse, we might take a second.”

“But what if your womb does not quicken?” Fenrick asks. “Wouldn’t you seek another mate?”

Nori shrugs. “If that matters, it’s possible to do so. I guess we’d have to decide when the time comes.”

The men look contemplative but do not argue.

Nori continues. “It was our fathers who decided who our mates are. I understand that on Tempest, it is the women who choose. We’ve discussed it amongst ourselves and think it would be good if both parties were receptive to a union or mating or whatever we choose to call it.”

“I have heard the tradition of courting gifts,” Eddard says, staring directly at Meg, looking very pleased with himself.

I almost laugh, it’s so adorable.

Nori nods. “Yes, before unions, the male often approaches the female with gifts, and then they spend time together.”

“Is that when they mate?” Ulof asks eagerly.

Oh, lord…

“No. They mate after the union.”