“You’ll probably like it. In fact, you’ll probably beg for it.”

Amber wets her lips. “I’d do it now if they take us to their village.”

“Um, that’s going to take some time.”

“Hasn’t it been long enough?” Meg says, frustrated.

“I’m going to be honest. They’ve offered to take some of us, but not all. There are a few they worry about.”

Worried voices rise.

“Why aren’t we letting some go with them, then?” Amber demands.

“Because I told them it’s all or nothing.”

Her eyes light in rage. “Why would you say that?”

“Because strength is more than physical abilities.”

“It’s me they want to leave behind,” Asha says glumly.

I have to be honest.

“Yes, but you’re not the only one.”

“Heck, I’ll let them lick my pussy and leave a few of you behind if it means I won’t have to sleep on the damn shore another night,” Amber says.

“But we’re not doing that. Every one of us has a place. Consider this, Asha is the only person working on providing us with wool.”

Amber snorts. “Who needs wool when we have leather?”

“That’s not for you to decide,” Meg counters. “We’ll stay, and eventually, the men will see it our way.”

Amber stands and comes to take a place by my side. “I say we take a vote. Who is willing to go with me right now to their village?”

Arwin, Violet, Araelya, and a few other women raise their hands.

Fuming, I tell them, “I’d put your hand down, Violet. They wouldn’t take you.”

Her face grows pale.

“This isn’t us being weak. We’re negotiating. Do you really want to be one of five women in a sea of forty men?”

Amber looks startled for a moment, then sits back down, reconsidering her bold usurpation.

“I recommend being friendly with the men. Get them interested, but be careful. Don’t drive wedges between them or lead them to anger. We need as many of them on our side as possible.”

A few groans make it clear that some are not at all happy with the situation, but thankfully, I’ve gained considerable support.

Nori rolls her eyes as if what she’s about to say should be obvious to all.

“There is strength in numbers. Are some of us physically stronger? Yes. Does that mean we should leave any one of us behind? No. The fewer there are of us, the less power we hold.”

“But didn’t Elena say that there are very few women where they are from and the women pick their mates?” Amber challenges.

“While that is true, we are not like those women. We are smaller, and they’re not even sure we’re worthy of carrying their kin. And do you really want to bed dozens of men? Grixis agreed to take on our ways of courtship, which means we’ll only have to take one mate. They are having to make concessions, too.”

They finally calm, their worried faces turning curious, but as they go to exit, I feel a tug on my arm. It’s Meg.