Their eyes light with wonder as we enter the cave, and they get their first look at the lustrous orbs.

“What are they?” Nori asks, her brow skewed. I hope she doesn’t try to dissect one.

“I don’t know.”

“They look like they’re from storybooks,” Asha says, her face illuminated with purple from a low-flying orb.

We go deep into the cave, to the hot spring, which many are elated to find. They shed their clothes and enter the water.

After they’ve soaked a bit, I clear my throat to address them.

“Fiona, Araelya, keep your weapons handy and stand at the mouth of the cave.”

They nod and exit the spring.

“I guess it’s time we talked about how we’re doing. Our feelings—”

“This isn’t about talking—this is about planning!” Amber interrupts.

“Uh, we’ve been planning. All week.”

“You idiot.” She looks at the gathered women. “I told you all she couldn’t lead us.”

Confused, I say, “What’s going on?”

Amber continues with, “She doesn’t even know.”

Some of the women wear scared, knowing expressions. Others look just as confused as I am.

“Hey, if something is bothering you, I should be made aware. I can’t read minds.”

It’s Meg who speaks next. “We need to escape the men.”

“Why would we do that? They’re helping us. Even if they decide not to take us, what we’re learning is valuable.”

“They’re fattening us up!” Amber interrupts again.


“Arwin heard them talking,” Amber says. “They mean to eat us.”

I shake my head from side to side. “No…that can’t be right…”

“It’s true,” Meg says. “Tell her.”

Arwin looks timid. “Um, well, I was getting a fish to break my fast, and there were three men standing around. I think one of their names was Gaerth, but I can never keep them straight.”

“What did they say?” I ask, curiosity edging my voice.

“One of them talked about how sweet Fiona would taste when he cannibalized her.”

I blink at Arwin, my mouth agape.

Fiona drops her lance. “He said what?”

“He said you had a warrior’s spirit, which made you worthy.”

The cave erupts with fearful chattering.