They’re brave, strong, and willing to do what’s necessary to survive.

Even the ones that spend more time on the furs try to contribute. Asha has been learning how to tan leather, but has mentioned that one animal has hair akin to wool. She’s eager to turn the Melgrim wool into functional yarn but says she needs tools for picking and carding.

Of course Ramsey thinks she’s being lazy, but her strength will never lie with a sword or spear.

We’ve torn up our dresses and stitched them anew, to help us better adapt to island life. It moves with our bodies, but our waists are bared, which has many of the men looking at us with shocked faces.

A gust of cold rushes past, lasting far longer than previous bursts. Whenever I ask Grixis about these ribbons, he brushes off my concern. What Nori had said about them being unnatural remains in the back of my mind, but I can’t think on it with so much going on.

Arwin approaches, looking shy. Ever since our capture, she’s been standoffish, probably because I was once her family’s servant.

She was never unnecessarily cruel to me, but she was a reach from being kind. I guess I’d describe her mannerisms as expectant.

“Is there something you need?” I ask.

“A few of us would like to talk with you…privately.”

I spike a brow. “Huh?”

“Away from these…” her eyes shift, scanning the shore, “men.”

“Oh…I guess having a meeting isn’t such a bad idea.”

I think of where we could go. The holding is too gross to ever venture in again, and the shore would mean we’d be watched.

There is a small spring we bathe in that’s rather private, but two men always stand guard, to the consternation of the women. It’s at Grixis’s insistence, because even though we should be able to defend ourselves, we’re still new here.

There is the cave…

“I know a cave that should offer us safety and privacy. Get the word out. This afternoon we’ll meet when the sun approaches its peak. All of us.”

She nods and dashes off to tell the others.

Grixis and Ramsey are smoking a large cat-like beast, talking to each other in hushed voices.

To absolutely no one’s surprise, Ramsey is still not on board with bringing all of us to their village, along with a few of the older men who grumble when they see so many women laid out on blankets.

Most of the younger men have grown comfortable with the idea, if not enthusiastic, but when they state this, they’re soon shamed by others, making our support seem not as great.

I approach, remembering my boldness.

“Grixis, if we could have a word,” I say, which is both respectful and straightforward.

Ramsey leaves without acknowledging me, which I suppose is acknowledgment in its own way.

“Will you be prodding me about moving on today?” he asks.

“No, but I’ll be holding a meeting with my people in the cave with all the lights.”

He nods. “That is good, as a chieftain must speak with their tribe. Assuage their worries and answer their questions.”

“I have a feeling that many are going to want to move on.”

“I know, but this is not a decision I can make. Even as chieftain.” His mouth slants. “If you were to leave some—”

“Absolutely not!” I harden my gaze.

“The hair girl—”