I moan a ragged breath, threading my fingers through his hair, and when it gets to be too much and I’m halfway to madness, I whisper,“I need more…”

He lifts and brings me to the edge of the spring, setting me down on a rock so that my sex is at a level with his face. My body tenses in anticipation, longing for the pleasure that only he has ever given me.

He spreads my thighs, knowing too well what I like, and moves on me with lightning speed, his tongue delving between my folds, licking up, up, up my seam to the tiny nub that he’s so good at pleasing.

Already my thighs shake, my body trembling with pent-up lust I never before had to manage.

And even though I’m sharing this intimate part of myself with him, only him, it seems not enough. He’s greedy, growling with desire, lapping at my sex like it’s the only thing keeping him alive.

His tongue circles that little nub, the source of so much chaos, prodding gently, gaining force. My body clenches, and again, I feel the rush as my body quakes in unabated ecstasy. Grixis’s grip tightens, his big mouth sealing around the petals of my sex, demanding every drop of pleasure from my core.

When the rush abates, I sit for a moment in peace. A purple orb floats within reach. It’s so beautiful, a pinprick of light that seems ethereal in its glamour.

“I’ve never seen anything so beautiful as these glowing lights,” I whisper.

“Then you’ve never glimpsed a mirror,” Grixis says.

I smile, as no one has ever bothered to make me feel good about myself. Even my mother was always overly critical of me. I know she loved me, but when she looked at me, all she saw was shame and disappointment.

Grixis looks at me and sees something that brings him joy.

His blue-grey body glistens, reflecting the brilliant lights differently than my cream-colored flesh. It reminds me of how very different we are.

He pulls me forward, off the ledge, forcing me over his shoulder.

“Hey!” I argue, but after a few long strides, he exits the spring and lays me down on a warm rock. He spreads my legs and kneels in between them, looking at me with sadness.

“I want you,” he rasps.

“I want you to have me.”

His face looks sad. “I cannot.”

“Why not?”

“The decision to mate cannot be mine alone.”

“Aren’t you chieftain?”

“I am, but a chief who disregards his men is not chief for long. Besides, they have reasonable worries. If you were to get with child, I cannot predict the consequences.”

The thought of getting pregnant by Grixis lights an unfamiliar sensation in me. A desire I never thought I’d kindle.

Being a bastard and reminded of it daily, I never wanted children of my own. I thought them a bane, and surely I’d never be an adequate mother.

But Grixis doesn’t care that I was a servant, just as I doubt my bastard lineage would raise his brow. His tribe is doomed to die off unless we form this bond.

But what can I do if they’d rather die off than risk ‘weak’ children?

I bring my legs up, placing them against his large hips, urging him to my core.

“What are you doing to me, woman?” he growls, his eyes lit with hunger.

“I’m no weak thing like your people imagine me to be. I can handle you,” I say, not entirely sure that I can.

He frowns. “I could hurt you.”

I must show him I’m strong, though perhaps not tonight. There are other things I’ve been curious about, and while I explore my blooming sexuality, Grixis will have time to come to terms with our eventual coupling,