Ramsey, for as prickly as he is, is just as hopeful as I am under his cold exterior, and if his heart can change, I’m certain the others can as well.

As loyal as I’ve been to Tempest, to those who cast me into exile, I can’t help but feel that maybe I can honor my home in a different way.

Because some temptations are just too great to ignore.



As exhausted as I am, I crave interaction with Grixis and would gladly lose sleep to be with him.

He guides me through the woods, into a cave which is lit with strange, colorful orbs that seemingly float through the air.

Pink, blue, purple, and yellow globes dance, illuminating our way through the tunnels. They’re indescribably beautiful, and I’m not entirely convinced they’re of this world, though that is folly. Where else would they have come from?

I’m led to a small body of water that’s absolutely stunning to look upon. The orbs reflect on its surface, creating a cyclone of colors that’s hard to pry my eyes from.

What a lovely place.

With the amount of steam rising from the water, I worry it could scald my flesh. I’d heard of hot springs before, but they seemed more myth than real.

Grixis stares at me as he removes his clothes, his eyes hungry for my flesh. I guess Amber didn’t entice him as much as I’d worried she would, because it’s not her he pulled into this cave.

I pull my dress up and off my body, then slide my underclothes down my legs. I return his gaze, knowing that if I shy away, it would be considered weak or scared or some other undesirable quality.

Seeing him drink me in makes me weak and bold at the same time, and I wonder how bad it would be if I fainted.

He enters the spring and extends a hand to me.

His flesh is heartier than mine, less likely to burn. I take a small step forward and dip a toe in. It’s hot, so much more so than any water I’ve ever bathed in, but there’s no pain. I step one foot into the water, then the other, but caution is soon thrown to the wind when Grixis lifts me, pulling me into his large arms.

His mouth seals over mine, his greedy tongue forcing its way past my lips. I throw my arms around him, clinging to his tense, rippled body.

And it’s not just because he’s strong, attractive, and capable. My feelings for Grixis extend far past his outer shell to the man who helped me when I was desperate, despite hating my weakness. To the one who believes that I could lead, regardless of my humble beginnings.

I’ve changed him just as much as he’s changed me. I can tell this by the way his men look at him.

I can’t let him down.

His cock pokes against my stomach. It’s terrifying and strangely enticing all at once. A complete contradiction.

The few that I’ve seen in my life have been half its size, and I’m not certain we’ll even fit together, but I know he’d never purposefully hurt me.

Grixis is a lot of things. Rude, rough around the edges, condescending, even, but he’s not a brute.

His mouth pulls back and his hand comes up to caress my cheek. “You’ve done well, my weakling.”

I burst into laughter. I like that he has a sense of humor, and he’s not all stern and growly like Ramsey.

“Do you think your men will accept us?”

“They’re split. I believe Ramsey is less resistant after your hunt.”

“It was terrifying! Fiona went at the beast with a pike, then Araelya with a bow, and then I speared it. I can’t believe we took it down! And there’s this part of me that wants to do it again.”

“You have a hunter’s spirit in you,” he says with fierce pride. “That is good, as I do too.”

“Don’t all of you hunt? I assume that’s what ‘strong’ people do.”