“It is maddening,” I agree. “Perhaps it’s one of their strengths.”

Ramsey nods. “I admit, you had me worried when I happened upon you. If creatures as weak as these can manipulate the mighty Grixis, what hope do the rest of us have?”

I chuckle, more than a little relieved that Ramsey is no longer casting daggered gazes my way. We’ve always been respectful of each other, seeking each other’s advice when situations arise. He’s the last person of my tribe I want to be at war with.

The sun is lowering in the sky, and it will soon be dusk. I erect a tent I brought for Elena and me to stay in. Normally, when out with my men, I’d choose to sleep under the stars with them, but Elena is too enticing for me to spend even one night away from. My body grows tense at just the thought of tasting her again, and matters such as that are best done in private.

Perhaps soon, my cock will sink into her slick heat.

“So…did we make a good first impression?”

I turn to see Elena, her brown hair sweaty and clinging to her skin.

“Some did. There are a few my men worry about.”

“Once we get on our feet, I’m sure all of us will impress you.”

I don’t have the heart to tell her that more than one I want to leave behind, which is unusual for a man like me, who says things so bluntly. That this woman, this small girl, is capable of changing a hardened man like me, truly speaks to great strength.

I place my hand on her shoulder, craving the feel of her smooth skin. “You are a strong, capable leader. Your worries that they wouldn’t follow you went unfounded.”

She frowns. “I don’t know about that. One tried to oust me before we left the hull. Meg had to petition for me to keep my position.”

“Meg will do right by you. I, too, have a second. One who sees my vision and helps enforce my demands.”


I nod. “He might not agree with how I’m handling this situation in particular, but we usually see eye to eye, and he never goes against me for the sake of bringing me down in the eyes of my people.”

“It must mean a lot that you’re taking up our cause, then.”

“I consider it a test. A test of my beliefs, and the beliefs of my people.”

“I just hope we pass.”

Eddard jogs up to Elena, holding a knife out to her.

“Three of your women are in need of your mercy,” he says.

Her brow furrows. “Mercy.”

I exhale, frustrated that he didn’t come to me regarding this. He’s clearly testing her.

“It’s when someone is too weak to go on. We give them the gift of a swift death.”

Anger contorts her beautiful face in anger. “Nonsense! I just spoke with each of them. A few are tired, but they’re doing better with medicine and food.”

“Their insides are bleeding out,” Eddard says. “Perhaps from internal injury.”

Elena looks around, shocked, then gestures urgently with her hands. “Look at them—not one has their insides spilling out!”

“I suspect it’s leaking from their nethers. Perhaps they ate something poisonous? Better a swift death than the pain they’ll surely suffer.”

She blinks at him, her nose twitching to the side. “How do you know this? Did they talk to you about it?”

“They reek of it, and I found one of their thighs slick with blood.”
