She winces, which is understandable considering how torn her flesh is, but it’s clear that Ramsey regards her pain as weakness.

Still, he applies various ointments and salves to her skin and wraps them in a bandage, as Grixis had done with mine.

Asha smiles weakly, and I can tell she’s about to thank him.

I interrupt and say, “Now go see if the others need help.”

Once he’s gone, I turn to Asha. “You did good, but mind your tongue. No womanly courtesy, do you hear?”

She nods.

Many of the women are now bandaged, looking much better. Some are eating as the men literally take pieces of meat and put them in their mouths.

I guess some are more excited about courtship than others.

It amazes me how some of the women make this look so natural. Like they’re speaking to old friends and not grumpy-looking exiles. But they’ve been trained in the art of politeness and making pleasant conversations since they were old enough to walk.

Some of the men are more polite than others, and a few are even showing off a bit, seeking to impress the ladies they’re tending to.

Again I feel the weight of my inadequacies and I wonder how long before they discover I’m a fraud, not worthy of any title other than servant.

I go to instruct Nori and a few of the more capable women to build the fire higher, but my eyes fall on a sight that twists my gut.

Amber is speaking with Grixis, twirling her honey blonde hair between her fingers.

I should hardly feel so territorial considering I barely know the man, but his face has been between my thighs twice now, and there’s something about him that makes me feel…I don’t know…light, giddy, happy, excited. I feel so many emotions around him, I can hardly sort them, and despite how he feels now for me, that could very well change once he’s met others.

Amber would know how to act and would handle situations better than I could, as she’s part of a noble house. She’s also much more bold with her tongue, which Grixis’s men would see as a strength.

I force my eyes away, finding Nori. She’s standing with two other girls. One of Grixis’s men listens to them intently.

I approach, clearing my throat. “Tend to the fire. We have many people here and soon we’ll have meat to roast.”

Knowing exactly what’s at risk, Nori obeys immediately, telling the two others to assist her.

Then, I find Fiona and Araelya, because they’re the only ones I trust with the next task. They’re talking with three men, and dare I say there’s a hint of a smile playing on one of the men’s lips. His name is Ulof, and if I’m not mistaken, he holds considerable weight with his clan.

The men seem to respect them more than the others, perhaps because Fiona has a knife and Araelya is tall and not as lithe as the others.

In a firm voice, I say, “We’ll be going hunting soon, and I need you both to join the party.”

Ulof’s eyes grow wide. He looks almost giddy.

Fiona and Araelya’s gazes fall on me, and for a moment, I fear they’ll get angry that I spoke to them in such a way. But instead, Fiona pulls the knife out of the rope she’s tied around her waist and holds it out to me. “I’m afraid I’ll need something more than this.”

“What weapons are you inclined to use?” Ulof asks.

“For hunting, a pike will do,” Fiona says.

“And for me, a longbow,” Araelya adds.

Ulof turns to a man named Jacek, and yells, “We need a pike and a longbow.”

“Uh, if you have a smaller spear, I need one too.”

Jacek nods, and heads to get the weapons.

I almost utter the words“Thank you”but catch myself.