Wait—what did he just say?

I can’t be chieftain. Before I was captured, I was a servant, a bastard one at that. Lower than a peasant, to some. There’s no way I can lead—no way they’ll even listen to me.

But as I look out at the sea of hard faces, I realize I don’t have a choice. Admitting I can’t lead will be seen as weak, and I know very well how they feel about that.

So I do my best to appear brave, strong, and capable.

* * *


Elena continues to shock me.

How could I have been so shortsighted? Elena is no feeble weakling. She’s brave, strong, and smart.

When she walked up to Ramsey, a man that could snap her neck with barely any effort, my blood rushed with pride. Then, she shocked me anew when she spoke out in front of my entire tribe, even as they fought.

I already know several important men are won over to my cause, perhaps because their desire to mate is strong. Of course men like Ramsey will take umbrage to their presence, but he was born to the strongest and there isn’t a man among us that holds more faithfully to our culture.

Now, I worry that she and her people will fail, because Melgrim is harsh, and they are so small.

Because I can tell she’s exhausted, I bring Elena to my home and see to her comfort. Back at Tempest, I never doted on a mate as I do her. Sure, I was an attentive lover, following customs, always submitting to the woman who let me claim her bed, but it never extended beyond courtesy and duty.

With Elena, I long to bring her comfort and pleasure. To make her feel safe and secure.

A man should never feel that way towards a woman unless they are bearing a child that could be his, which is a privilege I’ve never known.

It is only then that a man should nurture, providing for the woman above all else as the seed takes root.

Tempest women often take five at a time for a moon’s turn. If a seed takes root, it is cause for great celebration. If not, the men move on, eventually being cast from the women after several failed couplings.

“You did good in front of my men,” I say, wanting to bestow praise on my beautiful Elena.

“You shouldn’t have named me chieftain.”

“But isn’t that what you are?”

“I told you I was a servant.”

“In a past life, but here, you negotiate for your people. You are a true chieftain.”

“And what if the others don’t follow me?”

“Surely they can’t be that daft.”

“They see me as less than human.”

This confuses me, but I decide not to press her. She’s just been through a lot, and I can’t help but feel proud that the tiny woman I seek to claim stood up to my clan.

An unfamiliar knot forms in my gut.

IfI choose to claim her, for as smart and as brave as she is, I’m still not convinced her children will be strong. She could be the exception for her people.

“There is food in the basket next to the table and water in the skins. After you’ve had your fill, sleep.”

She looks down at the pile of furs longingly.

“Are you going somewhere?”