And just as chaos peaks, my body blooms, bucking wildly with powerful spasms that threaten to break me.

I can’t handle this…it’s too much…


Nothing has ever prepared me for the addictive feelings the giant elicits from me, rendering me helpless to primal urges previously unknown.

The waves recede, and Grixis withdraws from my center to my inner thighs, nuzzling and kissing my tender flesh.

Now I understand what he meant by ‘getting me ready’. Not only am I soaking wet, but my body wants to be filled, which is insane because I’m not even sure if Grixis is entirely human.

“Have I sated you well?”

I snort. Sated me well? Who says that?

The reality of his cock is now at the forefront of my mind. That he means to use it on me.

Even though a part of me wants it, craves it, and he has ‘sated me well’, I still don’t know if I can handle it.

But I guess I don’t have much of a choice. I agreed to this deal, and I can’t afford to make him angry and unwilling to help me.

And I believe that he’ll be gentle. Or as gentle as a giant is capable of being.

So I nod. “I’m ready.”



I can’t think of a single thing I’ve ever wanted more than Elena. Even the women of Tempest have done little more than spark a fire, whereas this weak girl has ignited an inferno.

She looks up at me, her head tilted to the side, her eyes dreamy from spent passion. Her body opened so beautifully for me. I find myself in awe.

Her coral pink folds glisten, beckoning me to claim her. Its color isn’t the only thing that’s shocking. It’s soft, delicate, with a dusting of dark curls. I’m worried that she was right, and her body wasn’t made for a man like me. That I could harm her.

The women of Tempest have hard bodies, as sleek as they are dangerous. I’ve been blessed to be allowed to claim many, but there was never any danger of hurting them.

And while Elena has convinced me she has strength, glimpsing the whole of her flesh leaves me worried. It might not be the strength needed to take a man like me.

And what of our kin? If she does manage to grow my seed, will it be strong enough to endure? I cannot bear the thought of having a child that would be unable to defend itself.

I hear her heart as it races in her chest, still filled with lust and longing. But her face betrays her worries.

Her throat tightens as she swallows.“Please, be gentle…”

Unexpectedly, I find myself conflicted. My cock is throwing a damn fit, demanding I listen to the pretty girl with the wide-open legs that tastes so good.

Why must the gods be so cruel?

I need to find out more about this situation. What she can handle. How frail our kin would be.

As I’m about to deny her, a scampering sounds from the tree line.

I leap to my feet, grab my spear, and take a defensive position. I should have heard the invader approach sooner, but I was distracted by Elena’s decadent flesh.

Elena covers her small body with a fur, looking around wildly.

“Show yourself!” I call, teeth bared.