Page 7 of Queen for a Day

“Don’t go!” He yelled and waved his arms. Daphne’s face started to burn with mortification. She glanced over her shoulder and considered running. Her car was just across the street, parked in her spot. “Please don’t go!” He pushed the door open and held a hand out to her.

She twisted the end of her sleeve, unsure. She wanted to take his hand but Daphne didn’t like how badly she wanted to take it.

“This is just for a few nights!” She blurted awkwardly. His head tilted and he made a thoughtful sound before smiling at Daphne. A dimple formed in his cheek and she groaned.Fuck. I love cheek dimples.

“I’ll take that. For starters,” he added with a wink. “You don’t have to wait outside.”

“I didn’t think you saw me.”

“I always watch the windows. Helps me get a head start on orders. But the last hour’s been slow so I just played it cool until you were ready to come inside.” He held the door for her and Daphne couldn’t pull her eyes from his as she trudged past Silas.

She recognizedhimand felt the same charge they shared in his chamber at the club. But she could see his whole face now and it was so familiar and comforting, Daphne wanted more ofthatand to stay closer to him but she hugged her tote bag against her side like a shield and went to one of the tables by the window.

“You know, I won’t bite unless you ask me to,” he teased gently. Silas disappeared around the counter and into the back room, giving Daphne a moment to catch her breath and reassess. Her plan to be firm and keep a cool head with Silas backfired before she stepped through the coffee shop’s door. And he could see right through her just as easily as he could see through the store’s windows. “I just need to lock up and then we can be off,” he announced when he returned wearing a gray hoodie and his skateboard tucked under his arm. Silas paused to put a lid on a cup before coming around the counter. “I thought you might need some tea.” He held it out to her and Silas’s left brow rose as he waited. “It’s a caffeine-free herbal blend with licorice root and peppermint, for calming.”

Daphne blinked at the cup then squinted up at him. “I had a plan and you’re ruining it.”

“Oh.” His head pulled back and he looked concerned. “What was your plan?”

“I thought we’d fuck each other’s brains out and then I’d limp back into work on Monday and get on with my life.” Her shoulders bounced jerkily, as if she’d short-circuited. His concern solidified into a frown and he shook his head.

“That’s not very cool and I don’t think that would work but I appreciate your honesty.”

“I don’t want to mislead you and I don’t want you to get hurt,” she said and his nose wrinkled.

“I’m not afraid to get hurt. That’s one of the consequences of living but I’m not that worried about it this time. You’re already falling for me.” He flashed her a big, double-dimpled cheeky grin before tipping his head toward the door. “Let’s go. I’ve been looking forward to making you dinner all day and I’m dying to get you off but I can’t do that here.”

“Oh… Ok,” Daphne rasped as she slid out of the chair and rose on shaking legs. He often made her legs shake but that usually happenedafterhe got her off. Silas handed Daphne her tea then offered his arm. It was annoying, how effortlessly he charmed her. She felt a little unsteady and needed his arm as she sipped. “Why couldn’t you be Keith?” She complained when they stopped so Silas could lock the front door behind them.

“Keith?” He laughed.

“From the copy place,” she explained with a nod at the shop just ahead. “He’s a twit and a dickhead and he wouldn’t care if I ghosted him.”

“Ew.” Silas’s face pinched as he shook his head. “Keith would kill—probably literally—to have sex with you. But I can promise you three things because I’ve heard and observeda lotfrom behind that espresso machine: Keith will tell everyone because he’s immature and gross, you won’t get off because he’s selfish and he’s always in a hurry, and you’re going to feel gross when it’s over because he’s Keith.”

“I might be fine with that if he’s into pegging,” Daphne admitted to her tea then took a fortifying drink.

“Maybe. But ask me how I know that it’s always going to be better when you worship your partner. And tell me you can’t feel the difference when he worships you,” he said and grabbed Daphne’s elbow when she stumbled. He’d sent a hot spark straight down her spine and there was a burst of heat in her core. So much for her calming tea.

“I don’t have the time or the energy for a relationship and I’d be a terrible girlfriend. I’m not putting my career on hold or picking anyone over my sister. Ever,” Daphne vowed but her voice wavered when he stopped at a block of apartments. She looked back and could still see the coffee shop and her office across the street, noting that it wouldn’t be too far if she had to climb out the window and run.

“That’s my unit there,” he said and pointed at one of the windows on the first floor, close to the sidewalk. “Have you ever dated someone who wanted to see you achieve your wildest dreams and wasn’t insecure?”

“No,” Daphne admitted immediately and tossed her tea in the trash as they passed a can. “That definitely isn’t my type.”

He laughed softly as he led her around the sidewalk and into the darkened apartment courtyard. They took the first left and he pointed at his door.

“I’ve noticed. And I get it. You don’t want a keeper because you don’t know where to put him.”

“Exactly,” Daphne said then humphed at him as he unlocked his door. But Silas didn’t push it open and held up a finger.

“You should text your sister or your assistant my address so they’ll know where you’re at. We’re on Franklin Drive. A10,” he added helpfully. Daphne was a little ashamed for having an escape route planned when Silas had given her no reason to suspect he’d try anything weird. But she’d seen too many episodes ofDatelineand had her share of horror stories.

“Thanks. I did have a moment back there,” she said. She felt more relaxed as she typed Silas’s address into her group chat with Addie, Iris, and Wendy.

“I don’t blame you. LA is a scary place for women, especially at night. It’s scary for anyone, actually.” He opened the door and let her go first then locked the door behind him but he left the keys on the bookshelf by the door. Daphne glanced at the darkened kitchen but was impressed with the large mixer and food processor. The kitchen was small and narrow and tucked in the corner by the door but it was immaculate and neatly labeled jars of flours, rices, and sugars lined the pantry on the far wall.

“You like to cook?” She asked then cringed awkwardly. “I guess that’s pretty obvious.”