Page 4 of Queen for a Day

Her eyes remained fixed on the purple silicone cock as it plunged into Silas’s ass until he came all over himself. Then, she was too focused on her fingers as they smeared through the cum on his stomach. Daphne rubbed Silas’s cum all over her clit and the folds of her pussy before crawling over him and riding his face. She made him lick her clean and ground against his tongue until she came with a loud, wet rush.

“God. I needed that.”

Daphne said that almost every time she dismounted and left him on the mat. She didn’t always peg him. Sometimes, she arrived without the harness and fingered Silas or jerked him off until he came. But she always coated herself in his cum and rode Silas’s face until he’d licked her clean and made her sob until she was hoarse.

“You’re the queen who stole my heart.”

Silas passed Daphne her coffee and this time, her hand lingered as it brushed his. Her eyes were seeking and curious as she studied his face, up close and without a mask.

“Did I hear you say you were closing tonight?”

He nodded quickly, momentarily overwhelmed by her heady scent as she swayed closer. Her perfume was dark and lush like a nighttime forest with notes of amber, patchouli, and the warm softness of vanilla. It never failed to ensnare him and Silas hummed drowsily as he breathed her in and leaned over the counter. She licked her lips and her chin stretched forward ever so slightly. Her breath feathered against his lips and Silas broke.

“Come home with me tonight. I’m off tomorrow. Spend the day with me and stay tomorrow night too.” Silas flung the words at her in a jumbled heap. She reared back and shook her head. He’d definitely come on way too strong.

“I can’t spend a whole weekend with you. I have—”

“Just give me a day. Let me help you.” He took her other hand and pulled it to his lips so he could brush a kiss against her knuckles. Silas kept his head bowed but he watched her eyes and felt her tremble.

“Help me?” Her brow shot up and she smirked wryly at him. She’d worn a wig at the club, hiding her famously chaotic auburn curls. He would have recognized them anywhere but Silas was kicking himself for not knowing it was her from that smile. It was the same teasing smile his queen bestowed upon him whenever she handed him the harness and wordlessly ordered him to strap her into it. That smile never failed to make Silas’s heart gallop and his palms sweat but he couldn’t tell Daphne that he’d always thought she was stunning and worthy of worship, long before he knew she was his favorite queen.

“It’s been weeks and I can see that youneeda break. Come home with me tonight and give me a day to see to all those needs,” he suggested with a wiggle of his brows and a cheeky tilt of his head. Daphne humphed skeptically but she’d let him hang onto her hand. Her ink-stained thumb tapped against his knuckle as she considered. His queen always wore gloves and he finally knew why. She was a firecracker in the chamber but Silas found the little details that made DaphneDaphnefar more alluring than the cool, determined queen he worshiped at the club. “Might help with that block,” he added and knew he’d found the way to Daphne’s heart when her raw, dry eyes lit up and sparkled.

“I’ll think about it.” Her nose tipped defiantly but Silas could tell by the way she couldn’t pull her eyes from his as she backed through the door that she’d already made up her mind.

“Until later, your highness,” he promised under his breath and went to get the mop.


Well. The universe couldn’t have been any clearer than that.

Daphne was rattled but in a pleasant way as she climbed the stairs to her office. She was dazed and a crooked smile tugged at her lips as she lowered onto the sofa. She stared at her desk until her eyes were dry and barely blinked until Iris hurried into the room.

“I know you haven’t given it any thought but I took a hard look at our calendar and I can’t find a single thing that I can’t handle myself or we can’t put on hold until next week.”

“I found something I want to do tomorrow,” Daphne said, halting Iris in her tracks.

“Seriously?” She reeled back and her jaw fell. “You’re taking tomorrow off?”

Daphne nodded jerkily as heat flooded her face. She became distracted with the cuffs of her sweater’s sleeves while Iris waited for an explanation.

“A friend asked me to spend the night and tomorrow with him and I said yes.” It came out as a low murmur and Daphne’s voice broke at the end.

“Oh…!” Iris perked up and her jaw fell again and even wider. “Restandlots of sex! This is so much better than anything I was hoping for. I thought we’d be lucky if we could get you out of the building for a pedicure.”

“It just kind of fell in my lap and the timing was too good to pass up.” Daphne didn’t want to tell Iris how he’d fallen into her lap but the rest was true.

“That’s great! Who is he?” Iris bounded across the room and dropped into the sofa next to Daphne.

“You don’t know him.”

“Ha! I know everyone you’ve ever dated.”

“I didn’t say we’ve dated…” Daphne stalled. Iris knew Silas from the coffee shop. Everyone knew Silas and Daphne and Iris had been mutually drooling over the gorgeous younger man almost every morning for a few years.

Of course, I’d recognize him. He’s been the only constant man in my life since Mom died.

“Have any of my relationships lasted more than a few months?” Daphne wondered out loud, causing Iris to snort.