Page 3 of Queen for a Day

“Thanks but I’m…” He glanced at the door just as it opened andshewalked in.No! Not now!Silas backed away from the espresso maker and leaned against the counter behind him, hiding the cup he’d prepared. He shook his head but he couldn’t take his eyes off of his cranky goddess. She was wearing an oversized black sweatshirt that hung off one shoulder, revealing a black lace bra strap. Her skinny jeans were ripped and had been cut off around the middle of her calves. She had amazing calves and almost always wore black stilettos. “I’m flattered but I have to close tonight.” He flashed Hayley an apologetic smile, hoping she’d finally catch on. They repeated the ritual almost every time she came in. This time, Hayley caught him staring as the other woman glared into her massive black tote bag. Hayley pulled a face and looked more annoyed than disappointed, to Silas’s relief.

“Later.” Hayley tossed her ombréd hair over her shoulder and found something more interesting on her phone as she left.

He couldn’t imagine what they’d have in common so Silas assumed Hayley was either bored or wanted to piss her father off. The perky blonde was a senior at UCLA and a sorority girl. Hayley was more interested in “curating content” for her Instagram account than studying. Silas couldn’t remember what she was majoring in but had a feeling she’d be posing with her latte as soon as she could find the right light. But the scowling vision leaning against the window and jabbing at her phone’s screen wasit.

She was everything and all Silas could think about lately. Her wild chin-length red curls were being held back by a pair of oversized black sunglasses and her pale green eyes were bloodshot again. Her makeup and her heavy black eyeliner were perfectly applied but Silas could tell that she was exhausted. She hadn’t been to the club in almost eight weeks and Silas sensed that she was in desperate need of a break. He was afraid she’d break herself, his beautiful, brilliant goddess.

Silas reached behind him for the paper cup. He’d spent weeks obsessing over what he’d say when he finally had the nerve. She came in three or four mornings a week but he’d waited forthisThursday morning to write a note on her cup and pass it to her. She came in later on Thursdays, after the morning rush. Silas usually had the store to himself until Tony turned up to help with the afternoon and evening rush.

Now’s your chance.

He smiled at her when she finally looked up from her phone and charged forward. She was almost as tall as Silas and had the most amazing lips. He thought she was the hottest woman he’d ever seenbeforehe recognized her throaty“God. I needed that.”

It had been almost three months since that fateful morning. She’d groaned the words under her breath after a desperate gulp from her macchiato and changed Silas’s whole life. He’d heard those words from hermany timesbefore and they had followed him into his dreams. But she hadn’t spoken those words to him in the coffee shop so he’d pickedhiswords very carefully when planning his message to her. He’d been shocked enough for the both of them. The queen who’d commanded his every waking thought and Silas’s hottest dreams had turned up in his coffee shop, startling the living hell out of him. She thanked Silas for her coffee and he grabbed a ceramic mug for the next customer’s order and dropped it when he heardher.

“God. I needed that.”

The Pavlovian response was instantaneous and Silas’s body reacted the way it always did. There was the same burst of joy and pride he always felt when he pleased her and there was a flutter of gratitude for the opportunity to serve his queen. But Silas was stuck and didn’t know what to do. His favorite customer and ultimate crush was also his favorite queen at The ReginaLingus Club. Silas’s romantic and sexual worlds had collided in his place of work, in the middle of a Monday morning rush.

She was just across the counter when she’d uttered the words—a disgruntled huff of coffee, caramel, toothpaste, and gin. There was a faint whiff of pot as well. The girl of Silas’s dreams often stayed up late with her assistant when they were planning a new line. Whatever “planning” entailed involved a lot of late nights and alcohol, apparently.

She looked like she was pulling all-nighters again. Silas checked the windows but there was no sign of the assistant, Iris, this morning.Thank goodness.Not that Silas didn’t like Iris but the two were all business when they came in together and Daphne tended to give her assistant her undivided attention. Daphne’s office was just around the corner so it was rare to catch her alone. His goth goddess was a workaholic and her hard work was paying off. She was already a titan in the fashion industry but Silas could see the toll the long hours and media attention were taking on her.

“Another rough night, Daphne?” He wrinkled his nose at her sympathetically as he pulled the shots for her quad macchiato. She hugged her phone against her chest as she slouched but a weak smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. It was barely a smile but it was a start.

“Thanks for asking. I’ve never had a block this bad.” She chewed on her pinkie and her gaze was distant as she stared at the counter between them.

“Anything I can do to help?” He raised his brows at her hopefully while he steamed the milk. Her lips twisted as she pretended to consider.

“Are you now or have you ever been a fashion muse?” Her tone was deeply serious. Silas hissed and looked around conspiratorially.

“Well… I don’t like to brag but the whole toga thing was definitely me.”

“You don’t say?” She pretended to be dubious.

“It was,” Silas insisted and covered the message on the side of her cup as he pressed on the lid. “My roommate, Fashionostos, got tired of seeing me in nothing but my ratty loin cloth and made a toga so he wouldn’t have to stare at my hairy ass anymore.”

“Ha! I’ve checked while you had your back turned and shame on him for trying to coverthatup.” She laughed as she went to swipe her card in the reader but Silas stopped her.

“I’ll take a compliment from you over money any day.” He winked as he slid her coffee around the counter and caught her hand as it closed around the cup. “I hope you come again soon, Daphne.” He kept his voice low and offered her a soft, reassuring smile.Please don’t think I’m a creep and panic.She paused and her neck craned. Daphne’s brows pulled together and she nodded slowly.

“Of course. I’ll probably see you tomorrow or this weekend. Thanks for this, Silas. You’ve made my morning.” She held up her coffee as she backed away and smiled as she spun, her big black tote bag swinging against her hip. Daphne jerked and her head tilted as she studied the side of her cup.Please don’t think I’m a creep and panic.Silas could still see the words as he closed his eyes and prayed. Hard.

Your highness,

I’ve missed you and I can see you’re in need of a release. Please come. You can sit with me at any place of your choosing.

Your consort,


The cup hit the floor and Daphne jumped back to avoid being splashed. Her arms were stretched and her hands were splayed but she didn’t move for several moments. Silas stared around her at the puddle of coffee and pretended to be completely cool when she finally turned. Her thick black lashes beat rapidly and she was gorgeously befuddled with her lips parted and pink stains spreading across her cheeks.

“No worries! I’ll make you another.” Silas grinned encouragingly despite the sweat beading on his brow and gathering in the crack of his ass.

“You’re the boy with the dragon tattoos?” She asked loudly then ducked apologetically. It was Silas’s turn to blush. The flock of dragons migrated down his lower back and around his right asscheek and thigh. She wouldn’t have seen that while waiting in line for coffee.

There was a wild twitch in his ass as he remembered how hard she’d fucked him the last time they’d played together at the club. She made him buckle her into the harness and take the orchid purple dildo deep into his throat. She’d almost ripped his mask off as she pulled his hair and held onto his ears. He wanted it to come off so she could recognize him but Daphne was too lost in her own pleasure.