“Motherfucker” I turn my head at Gunner’s roar of anger as he throws the glass, he was holding across the room to crash against the wall, then he is turning and also making his way outside.

“I’ll go,” Dash says as he kisses Alaska’s forehead before he follows Gunner. Ever since being captured by the Hades MC and being drugged, Gunner hasn’t been able to control his temper.

“Let’s go to our room, I’m going to have to go deal with this shit soon enough.” I mutter as I place my hand on the middle of her back guiding her out. Hawk took Onyx a minute ago, while Blue is standing with Siena and Alaska. Dakota and Hunter are also leaving, Hunter is holding the sleeping baby in his arms as they walk out towards their room. The others are all talking among themselves, still shocked about tonight’s revelation.

On the way to our room we stop outside Sam’s room, Goliath is standing outside, his arms crossed as he leans against the wall. “As soon as King comes back inside, we can decide on what to do with her.” I state.

“This is fucked up.” He grunts.

“It sure…” I am interrupted by a crash coming from inside the room.

“What the fuck is she up to now?” Goliath grunts as he turns to open the door. “Fuck!” he roars, we both see the chair lying on its side and Sam hanging with a sheet around her neck from one of the rafters of her ceiling.

I pull Myst against my chest trying to protect her from the memory of this gruesome sight. Goliath rushes towards Sam’s body, pulling her up against his chest so that the sheet isn’t pulling at her neck, but I can see from where I’m standing that it’s too late.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck” Goliath roars in rage.

“Go to the room, I need to help Goliath.” I say as I step away from the doorway so that she can’t see what is going on in there. It is bad enough that everyone had to go through what happened tonight, I will not have Myst reliving this moment in years to come.

Myst looks up at me, tears in her eyes, she lifts her hand to cup my cheek. “I love you,” then she is pulling my head down as she kisses my lips. “I’ll be waiting for you when you need me.”

I see her walking away, my heart full of her love. This is a heart wrenching time for us Wolverine MC, but with the love of my woman I will stay strong, and I will make sure that my brothers are safe.

Turning towards Goliath I walk in to help him take Sam down. “What the fuck?” King whispers a few minutes later as he appears in the doorway, Dixon right behind him. We are just pulling the sheet off the rafter when he walks in.

“We were outside when we heard the commotion.” I explain, “when Goliath rushed inside it was already too late, her neck was broken.”

King walks towards where we laid Sam, his hand lifts to stroke her hair off her face. Even though we know what Sam did, we also know what she went through before her mind broke. Sam wasn’t always twisted; she wasn’t always this person that we now all know her to be.

Someone pushed her into this, and even though we don’t know who her partner is, we will find out, and then we will make sure that he pays for all his crimes.

“Maybe it was better this way.” King says quietly as he turns towards us. “Whoever is killing will make a mistake, and then we will catch him.” King promises, his eyes fierce with his anger. He turns towards me, “We will turn her over to the police, and tell them what she said before she died.”

I nod, even though the authorities will once again look into us, and want to probe around, we have made sure to be squeaky clean with anything that they might look into here at the club. They will need to know about Sam, as they will make the same connection about the bleach as Celmund did, therefore, it’s better that we tell them then they come here looking.

Looking at Goliath and Dixon I state, “leave everything as it is, I’m sure the authorities will want to examine the room.” Looking around at her room I sigh, I was only in her room a couple of times before, there used to be pictures hanging on her walls of sunflowers and twinkling lights across her headboard. I see that the pictures are gone and there is no sign of any lights.

The room is now dismal and sad like her soul had become, shaking my head in grief I pull out my phone.