I didn’t want to believe that it could be anyone from the club, but now I will have to be cautious and vet everyone before we share what we found out.

“Yeah” I mutter

“Here” King says, handing me my phone as he comes to stand next to me. “Fuck this,” he makes his way towards the table where the women are sitting, it is clear to see that he’s in a rage.

“Ladies, I need a word with Sam” he says when he’s standing next to her chair. I am already next to Myst chair, pulling it back as I help her up. I can see the surprise on her face, but she doesn’t ask questions as I move towards the edge of the room and place her behind me.

The others have realized that something is going on and are also taking their women to safety. I see Sam looking up at King and smiling.

“Why?” King asks, the rage evident in his tone. The look of complete indifference on her face is heart wrenching. “How can you possibly do that to an innocent?” she calmly raises a brow at him, no one would believe the calm she is showing in the face of King's rage.

“Everyone is innocent at some point; it doesn’t make a difference.” There is an indifference in her tone that has rage coursing through my veins. I’m not so much enraged with her, but with what made her like this. Sam wasn’t always broken like she is now; she had a good heart.

“We tried to help you, we tried to give you everything you needed, why go to these lengths?” King’s question has a high-pitched laugh escape her, a laugh that I have never really heard from her. Looking to my side I see Hawks’ shocked expression, from all the men at the club Hawk was always the closest to Sam, and even though he’s mated to Onyx, he was a friend to her as Onyx was too.

This revelation will shake them, as they considered themselves her friend and will blame themselves for not seeing this sooner. “Give me everything…” she starts to say and then laughs again as she shakes her head. “What have you given me? You don’t even see me.” She suddenly screams as she looks around at everyone. “This is all your fault, all of you.” She places her hands flat on the table as she slowly rises from the chair, a smirk on her face as she looks at King again. “You are all so high and mighty, you all think you know it all, but you don’t, do you?”

“Who are you helping?” I ask. She turns her eyes on me, and then the calmness once more returns to her features, and she smiles before she again lowers her eyes and ignores my question.

“Who?” King suddenly roars in rage, I feel Myst jumping in fright behind me, but Sam completely ignores his anger.

“Were you there when my sister died?” Onyx suddenly asks, a distraught look on her face. Hawk slides his arm around her waist holding her back as she takes a step closer to Sam, but Sam simply raises her eyes to hers but doesn’t answer. “Were you?” Onyx screams.

“Goliath, take Sam and lock her up until we are ready for this.” King orders.

“Answer me Sam,” Onyx screams as Goliath takes hold of Sam’s arm to guide her out of the bar. Hawk has pulled Onyx against his chest, the emotional pain of going through this again is unfair on Onyx.

We were dragged into this killing spree when Onyx came looking for her sister, never knowing that the killer, or one of the killers, was here at the club this whole time with us.

Everyone is still standing in shock after Sam is taken away, the anger in everyone’s face mirroring the anger that must be stamped on mine too.

“How the fuck is this possible?” Blue asks from where he’s standing with his arm around Siena’s shoulders.

“Who the fuck is she helping?” King suddenly roars again as he turns towards all of us, his eyes slitted in anger as he looks around the room.

“You think it’s one of us?” Dixon asks with a shocked expression on his face.

“No, we were all here when this last woman was killed at the Ray of Hope, except you Flint and Grey was out too.” King states

“Wha…what?” Flint asks in surprise, “I didn’t kill anyone.”

“You weren’t where you were supposed to be, and you didn’t bring anything back from the shop.” I accused Flint.

“Because you called me back just as I got there.” He defends.

“You are lucky that there was a camera at the store,” King suddenly says, “they have you on camera walking in”

“You were testing me?” Flint accuses.

“I was making sure,” King states, Grey has gone out on patrol already, but we will go and talk to him and find out where he was when everything was happening. “One way or another we will get the answer from Sam,”

“And then what, what are we going to do with her?” Dash asks as he raises his hand to pull his fingers through his hair in agitation. Alaska lifts a hand to place it on his chest.

“Don’t know yet!” King grunts as he starts making his way outside. We all stay out of his way knowing that after everything that happened, he will want to be alone to blow off steam.

“Fang, what just happened?” Myst whispers as she looks up at me, her eyes worried as she looks around at everyone’s anger. “Is Sam what I think she is?”

I pull her towards me, hugging her against my chest. Today was supposed to be a happy day to remember for the rest of our lives, but instead we will always remember the day that we found that we had a dangerous traitor among us.